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Human (hyoo · muhn)

Humans are the primary race on the World of Elil. They have been living here for millennia and are the natural inhabitants of the planet of Elil. They are extremely diverse ethnic wise and almost every human is different. Quite adaptable more than most other races.

Basic Information


Humans are mammalian people who have a muscular and skeletal structure. They are bipedal with two arms both with thumbs allowing them to grab hold of objects.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans have a standard sexual reproduction system.

Growth Rate & Stages

A human grows over about 80 years and overall their life flashes by fast in the grand scheme of things. The human life cycle has six main stages: foetus, baby, child, adolescent, adult and elderly

Ecology and Habitats

Humans can almost survive in any environment except in extreme environments like −20°C or 113°C.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivores eating plants and animals. They forage, hunt, and farm for their food.

Biological Cycle

Human hair will turn grey and their body seems to become weaker and weaker. Organs wont work as well as they used too and their immune system weakens.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans social structure is extremely diverse. Every culture has a different familial social structure. When it comes to societal social structure the rich are on the top while the poor are on the bottom. Superzz have shaken up the social structure a bit but not too much.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are all over the planet of Elil on every continent. They have even settled the colonies on the moon.

Average Intelligence

The average intelligence of Humans are much higher than animals on their planet. Most races intelligence compare that too humans except a select few like the Tentricolus's.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They rely on the standard five senses humanity relies on. Taste, Touch, Sound, Smell, Sight.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The naming traditions of humans revolve around the culture's language and identity. Selevin, Wazoskan, Chezekovian.

Major Organizations

Humanity controls most organizations and governments in the world. Notable organizations they run/ran are the Foundation, Silver Lynx, Crimson Banner, and Gen X.

Beauty Ideals

Humans can share many beauty ideals but the stereotypical one is slim and fit almost unrealistically so.

Relationship Ideals

Most relationships are between two people no matter their gender.

Average Technological Level

They have attained a technology level far advanced our modern tech. Using the tech stolen and left behind by Zagara they have plasma and laser weapons, advanced chemicals and medical equipment that can bring a person to full health in days.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The major languages of the world are Selevin, Orumese, and Espalish. Hundreds of other languages dot the earth but those are the most commonly spoke in places around the globe.

Common Taboos

Murder, Adultery, and Pedophilia are some of the major taboos in human society. There are many others, and some cultures hold different taboos then others.


Humans were first created by Eden a long, long time ago about 200,000 years ago. The history of humanity follows much of that until about 4500 BC when Eden first gifted the people of earth magic. These people included but were not limited to Zues, Set, and Hera. With their powers the lands of Eyiti and Atara flourished under the rules of their leaders who were soon revered as gods for their magical abilities. Some time in history they sealed away the powerful Eden within his ship also known as "The Egg." Life was generally about the same as our history with a few differences. The Ataran's fell and the Eyiti rose into a large empire in the Orogodongo.   One powerful leader known as King Xyrthis would come to practice magic finding it in the tomb of the Ataran gods who passed away after centuries of conflict and war. Xyrthis would head to his home back in the land know known as Preußenberg. With it he founded one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen. An empire that shifted the entire history of the world. An empire that spelled the creation of both the greatest wonder and the most powerful doom. The Empire's name is long forgotten but the order of knight assassins they left behind marked the world permanently.   The Creed.   The Creed were a police force that defended the people of the empire. In their time they went to war with the Eye and they clashed against Xerxes and his demonic armies. Nothing truly prepared them for their greatest threat. The Traitor King. A powerful mage and member of the creed who rose up with an army of his traitors to claim the world. The creed and the Traitor creed clashed eventually leading to the death of the traitor king and the world torn asunder.    Jericho- the leader of the creed- decreed that the people of the creed must disappear forever from the eyes of the public. So they did.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
80 years
Average Height
4'11-5'10 Feet
Average Weight
136 pounds
Geographic Distribution


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