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The Tentricels are a race of 8 legged octopi like race that share many similarities with the Dalek race. They are colored as soft cool colors like blues, purples, and greens. The Tentricels are the most psychically powerful race in the spanning galaxy of Superzzz.

Basic Information


Tentricels are very close to Octopus in their physiology but in fact they are large masses of cartilage and brain matter. Nerves run all throughout their body and they have 8 large nerve clusters that act like tentacles. They are comprised one shade of cold colors though some exceptions include Warm Colored Tentricels and Spotted Tentricels. Along the side of their heads are tiny holes that allow them to hear. They have small jaws on the bottom of their bodies where the nerves connect.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Male Tentricels when ready to breed they send out psychonic signals around for mates allowing them to almost glow. Creating sensual patterns with they psychonic energies. When a mate matches the frequency and energies the male will insert sperm into the female.

Growth Rate & Stages

The tentricels have 4 standard stages to their life
1. Egg The Tentricels lay about 10000 eggs under rocks or hidden in alcoves. They are cleaned with the suckers and then eventually pop out 4 weeks later. Not all of them survive.
2. Larva The Larva is a weak little creature that drifts around the sea- at this time they are extremally sensitive and not many survive due to this as they are creatures of exposed nerves. They will swarm the parents and absorb the knowledge and stories of their parent.
3. Juvenile The Juvenile feeds much in its age to gain most of their body wait. They set out on their own and slowly develop. 
4. Adult Tentricels are sexually mature at this point in their life. If they decide to impregnate a female they are to die weeks later but many did not letting their life play out before they eventually mate and pass on their knowledge

Ecology and Habitats

Tentricels are ocean based creatures that breathe methane and will separate methane from water molecules upon its home planet. It can inhale just raw methane which it does via breathing tanks that are in their nerves. They don't need much and absorb it almost via the skin.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tentricles generally eat small fish or crustaceans luring them in with "Psychic" lures where they snab them with their bottom jaws.

Biological Cycle

Tentricels do not evolve much as the seasons change and do not experience hibernations but they have been known to change the shade of their color.


Tentricels are very complex emotionally seeming to be very closed off logical creatures but this is far from the case. They explore it best with their psychic side where they show mesmerizing colors. This is the same way they lure prey. Almost like cuttlefish they lure fish and crabs to devour by pulling them in from the mind. To predators theyll generally scramble their brain or delete them from their vision.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Intelligence of Tentricels are vast beyond humans due to their explorations of the Pyschonic elements and psychic technology. They figure out math problems much like computers and their powerful brains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Tentricels's sense of touch is powerful as their body is intense nerves. The nerves allow the tentricels to taste but not smell. They also can hear but those are nothing compared to their psychonic abilities. Their abilities allow them to talk into others minds, fry brains, control bodies even.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tentricels do not usually have names but due to the experience with other cultures they generally take standard names to the cultures having names as simple as bob or other names of the dragok like Khokhor. Their names amongst other tentricels are shared with psychic feeling.
10 Years
Average Height
10 Inches tall
Average Length
3.3 Feet Long
Geographic Distribution


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