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Vera Chen (Vair-uh Chehn)

Vera Chen (a.k.a. Kymotion (Wave))

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vera is born from a family of pure Camanits but vera is the only ones with powers in her immediate family. Alexander, her brother, had died in the war for union after a yeti altered broke into their home and he sacrificed himself to save their parents.

Gender Identity





College (she read every text book she could find)



Accomplishments & Achievements

Her power grew quick when she first entered CARE as she became a dark horse competitor. Vera aided in the Luchador Fight, Psycadelica mission, and most recently the Altered Rights Trial. She successfully took down the majority of the altered s attacking her team using pomegranate seeds and a mirror grenade. Vera takes pride in her power. The wave ability makes her upgrades quite interesting. Vera will experience a completely new wave.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failure to beat Meg in the Tournament, Embarrassed publicly on her birthday at Beau’s Dairy after poor job on subway mission.

Mental Trauma

Her brothers true death was revealed to her during a long term mission to Andele. Vera had realized she was lied to for years and years about him. he was not in the war as a soldier but in fact a normal teen. She had died from a heart attack after forcing herself to train intensely for nights upon nights and only slept after 8 days and some delirium. When she died her heart had been restarted by her own hand and the help of Genesis. Vera also has trauma from when her good friend Korryn died while fighting the Redeemer Armor. She had witnessed Hans punch through Korryn’s chest and pump his heart bringing him back. More smaller traumas include the various situations of life or death, fighting Meg in the CARE Tournament, and the many times she witnessed Espazo being a murderer in his earlier days. Her Teacher also died on her 18th birthday which was already the worst day of her life, but that was the cherry on top.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very high intelligence in most scholarly areas.

Morality & Philosophy

Vera believes that she should do anything possible to make a name for herself. this includes ignoring her mental and physical health. Vera also is a believer of using lethal force when necessary.


Vera is part of this secret group called the Green Gremlins. people often get horribly pranked or a small little joke. The gremlins dress in all black and strike at night. (idk man)
Date of Birth
9th of November
Union City
Brown and almond shaped
green, currently hair is down and bangs are neatly kept. the hair is now 16 inches
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
olive tone, burn scar on her back and stab scars on her legs and stomach, about the size of a small log
154 lbs
Known Languages
English, Spanish, and French


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