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The Luparis (Wolvera) are a wolf like race standing tall on their hind legs. They prefer to hunker low on all 4's but to fit into Human society they have forced themselves to stand up. Luparisians have an amazing sense of smell and tracking capabilities. They almost have manes similar to lions.

Basic Information


Full grown Wolvera range from 5'5" to 7'5" tall, males on the higher side and females towards the lower side. Their weight corresponds to their height and can vary from 140 pounds to upwards of 200.   Their faces are narrow and long with a snout and bright eyes with dark pupils. Their fur color usually is silverish grey or a dark brown. Rare variants include white, black, and red. Whereas for eye color, due to their alien origins, they can be a vast range of colors. The eye color is a great indicator of their family origins.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wolvera lifespans are around 30-40 years in age, longer than a wolf's lifespan, but shorter than the average human. Their adolescent stages last from ages 8-14 and are considered fully-grown at age 15.

Ecology and Habitats

Wolvera survive best in heavily forested areas with rockier grounds. Their agility and thick padded and clawed feet assists in mobility in these areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite having adopted more human-like lifestyles, they prefer to eat a large diet of meat as a carnivorous species, eating both cooked and raw. Despite their preferences, they can eat both plants and meat.


They operate in tribal-like family units with extended family being close-by or living in the same household. Though some traditions have been lost as they assimilated into human society, they are spiritualists who have great appreciation for ancestors. They pass down a code of honor and respect for elders and hold them in high regard for their wisdom.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like wolves, Wolvera's have a heightened sense of smell, able to tell between scents easily and can detect them from over a mile away. Their sight and hearing are greater than a human's, but are focused on detecting hints of movement at close range.
Scientific Name
40 Years
Average Height
5'5 Feet-7'5 Feet Tall
Geographic Distribution


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