Anna Bennett in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Anna Bennett

Anna Bennett is a woman worn down by the weight of her responsibilities and the unyielding grip of Midnight's malevolence. With tired eyes and a perpetually furrowed brow, she navigates the town's desolate streets with a sense of caution, ever wary of the lurking terrors that haunt the shadows. Her once vibrant smile has become a rare sight, replaced by a constant look of concern etched across her face. Anna's threadbare clothes and weathered appearance tell a tale of sacrifice and struggle as she does everything in her power to provide for her young daughter.   Anna's life revolves around her daughter's safety, the only beacon of light in the darkness of Midnight. She spends her days trying to shield the child from the town's sinister secrets, crafting a facade of normalcy even as she herself trembles with fear. At night, when the malevolent entities emerge from the darkness, Anna's resolve is put to the test. The haunting cries and eerie whispers that fill the air send shivers down her spine, but she knows she cannot run, cannot abandon her daughter to the horrors that lurk beyond Midnight's borders. Though torn between leaving for the safety of her child and staying to face the wrath of the town's malevolence, Anna clings to a sliver of hope. She believes that if she can endure just a little longer, perhaps the grip of Midnight's terrors will loosen, and she can finally find a way to escape with her daughter to a better life.   Anna's strength lies in her unwavering determination to protect her child, to be the mother she knows her daughter needs. Despite the darkness that surrounds them, she refuses to be broken, fighting with every ounce of her being to survive the horrors that haunt Midnight. In the midst of the town's despair, Anna remains a beacon of resilience, a testament to the enduring power of a mother's love.    
Personal History
  Anna Bennett was born and raised in Midnight. Her childhood was filled with eerie tales of malevolent spirits and restless souls, passed down from generation to generation like a cursed heirloom. Despite the unsettling atmosphere, Anna was a bright and hopeful child, her spirit undaunted by the tales that surrounded her. As she grew older, however, the weight of Midnight's history began to weigh heavily on Anna's shoulders. She witnessed firsthand the tragedies that plagued the town, the disappearances and unexplained deaths that left scars on the community. Yet, she remained resilient, determined to break free from the cycle of darkness that had consumed so many before her.   After finishing high school, Anna left Midnight, desperate to escape the haunting memories and the suffocating sense of doom. She ventured to the city of Tupelo, seeking a new life and a fresh start. There, she met a kind man named Michael, and they fell in love. They soon had a daughter together, a precious bundle of joy that brought light back into Anna's life. For a while, it seemed like Anna had finally found the happiness and safety she had longed for, but the malevolent forces of Midnight were not so easily cast aside. A tragic accident claimed Michael's life, leaving Anna a single mother with the weight of the world on her shoulders once more. Feeling the pull of Midnight's siren song, Anna made the difficult decision to return to her hometown. She knew the dangers that lurked within its borders, but she also knew that her daughter deserved to grow up with a sense of community and belonging. Determined to shield her child from the town's malevolence, Anna struggles to make ends meet, taking on multiple jobs to provide for her daughter and keep a roof over their heads.     
  Anna Bennett is a striking young woman with a quiet strength in her eyes that carry the resilience of someone who has faced hardships and come out stronger. Her face holds a mix of determination and weariness, a testament to the battles she's fought and the sacrifices she's made. She has a cascade of thick, curly hair that she often ties back in a practical bun, leaving a few rebellious tendrils framing her face. Her warm, expressive deep brown eyes reveal a depth of emotion and a mother's fierce love for her daughter. Despite the hardships she's endured, there's a glimmer of hope that shines through them. Anna's strong, yet graceful posture speaks of her resilience, as if she carries the weight of Midnight's burdens on her shoulders with a determined poise. Her hands, calloused from hard work, are proof of her dedication and unwavering commitment to providing for her daughter. In her everyday attire, Anna often wears practical and comfortable clothes, ready to face whatever challenges Midnight throws her way. She dons a faded denim jacket, a symbol of her tenacity and journey through life's trials. Her attire may be simple, but it carries a sense of purpose and strength, reflecting the person she has become.
Current Location
Her Home    
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Weight: 98

HP: 5

  • Body: 4
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 4
  • Mind: 4
  • Luck Points: 3
  • Initiative: 4
  • Stealth: 3
  • Grappling: 2
  • Melee: 4
  • Ranged: 4
  • Soak: 4
  • Dodge: 5
  • Protective Resolve: This ability reflects her unwavering determination to keep her daughter safe and her resilience in the face of danger. When activated, Protective Resolve grants Anna enhanced defensive capabilities, allowing her to withstand attacks and protect herself and her allies from harm. During combat or challenging situations, Anna's Protective Resolve ability empowers her to rally her companions and inspire them to stand strong. This boost in morale provides a temporary increase in their resistance to fear and negative effects, helping the group maintain their focus and determination in the midst of the horrors that surround them, granting a +2 Bonus versus all Fear Effects to anyone in her immediate area that is viewed as an ally. Furthermore, as a mother who knows the value of careful planning and resourcefulness, Anna's ability also grants her a heightened perception of her surroundings. She can detect hidden dangers , allowing her to guide her companions safely through treacherous terrain and avoid potential threats. Unlike most other abilities, this is an ongoing effect as long as Anna is with a Character or Characters, however, getting her to leave her house with her daughter at night will not be an easy task, as her daughter will always be her primary concern.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

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