Art Thompson in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Art Thompson

Art Thompson is a weathered man, his face etched with lines that tell tales of countless years spent navigating the wilds. His rugged appearance, with a thick beard streaked with gray and piercing blue eyes that have seen it all, exudes a mix of wisdom and weariness. Dressed in practical outdoor gear, Art's every movement speaks of a lifetime of experience in the woods. Having grown up in Midnight, Art knows every nook and cranny of the surrounding forest, and his knowledge of the terrain is unmatched. He can effortlessly navigate through the dense undergrowth, avoiding treacherous traps and unseen dangers with ease. Art's senses are finely tuned to the sounds and scents of the wilderness, allowing him to detect even the slightest disturbance. Despite his gruff exterior, Art carries a deep sense of responsibility for the town and its inhabitants. He has an unshakable determination to protect them from the malevolent entities that plague Midnight. Beneath his tough exterior lies a compassionate heart, willing to put his life on the line for the safety of others.    
Personal History
  Art Thompson was born and raised in Midnight. Growing up in the shadow of the mysterious and foreboding woods that surrounded the town, Art developed a fascination with nature and a keen interest in the tales of the supernatural that circulated among the locals. As a young boy, he would often wander into the woods, exploring every inch of the untamed wilderness. Guided by his father, a skilled hunter and tracker, Art learned the ways of the forest and how to survive its harsh realities. His father instilled in him not only the skills of a seasoned woodsman but also a deep respect for the land and its creatures. As he reached adulthood, Art's love for the outdoors led him to become a skilled hunter and trapper. He earned a reputation as one of the best in the region, known for his keen eye, steady aim, and ability to track even the most elusive prey, however, as the years went by, Art began to encounter strange and inexplicable occurrences in the woods. Whispers of supernatural entities and eerie encounters with bizarre creatures filled his days and haunted his nights. The once peaceful and familiar woods of his youth became shrouded in a foreboding darkness, and Art felt an unsettling presence lurking just beyond the tree line.   When the tragedies started to befall the town, with people mysteriously disappearing or found dead under bizarre circumstances, Art couldn't ignore the signs any longer. Determined to protect his hometown and uncover the truth behind the malevolent forces plaguing Midnight, he delved deep into the town's folklore, seeking answers in old books, forgotten archives, and the stories of elders. His journey into the unknown revealed that Midnight had always been a place of strange happenings and supernatural occurrences. It was as if the town was a magnet for otherworldly forces, drawing them in like moths to a flame. As the evidence of ancient rituals and dark cults came to light, Art realized that he was facing something far beyond the realms of ordinary comprehension. With the weight of his town's safety on his shoulders, Art embraced his role as a protector, standing as a guardian between Midnight and the malevolent entities that sought to destroy it. Despite the toll it took on him, he refused to back down, driven by a fierce determination to save the place he called home.    
    Art Thompson, with his years of life etched into his weathered features, is a man of both strength and resilience. Standing at a sturdy 6 feet tall, he carries himself with the confidence of someone who knows every inch of the land he calls home. His face is tanned and lined, evidence of countless hours spent under the scorching sun and amidst the biting cold of the Delta seasons. His eyes, a deep shade of hazel, possess a keen and watchful gaze, always alert to the slightest movement in the surrounding woods. They reflect the wisdom of a man who has seen both the beauty and the darkness that the world holds. Above those eyes, his thick eyebrows, now salted with gray, furrow thoughtfully when he's deep in contemplation.   Art's strong jawline is adorned with a short but grizzled beard, adding to his rugged appearance. A faint scar runs across his left cheek, a testament to a past encounter with a dangerous predator he managed to outwit. He has a full head of once jet-black hair, now streaked with silver, which he usually keeps neatly combed back, however, there's often a slight hint of untamed wildness, much like the woods he loves, that refuses to be completely tamed. His hands, rough and calloused, bear the marks of years spent handling hunting rifles, setting traps, and surviving the challenges of the wilderness. They are the hands of a man who has known hard work and hardships, but also the hands of a skilled and experienced hunter.   Art's clothing is a practical mix of outdoor gear and work attire. He often wears a worn flannel shirt, sleeves rolled up to reveal his sinewy forearms. A leather belt secures a sturdy pair of khaki pants that have seen better days but remain durable, and around his neck hangs a pendant, a simple charm passed down from his father, which he considers a talisman of protection.
Current Location
The outlying areas outside of Midnight township.    
  • Age: 66
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: White
  • Height: 6' 1"
  • Weight: 230

HP: 5

  • Body: 3
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 5
  • Mind: 4
  • Luck Points: 1
  • Initiative: 5
  • Stealth: 4
  • Grappling: 1
  • Melee: 3
  • Ranged: 6
  • Soak: 3
  • Dodge: 2
  • Wilderness Mastery: Once per encounter, when facing obstacles such as tracking elusive creatures, finding hidden paths, or foraging for essential resources, the players can rely on Art's guidance. They gain a significant advantage by receiving valuable information, making it easier to overcome these challenges. Additionally, Art's experience with hunting and trapping grants the group an increased chance of successfully setting traps or ambushing hostile creatures, giving them an edge in combat situations. This ability when activated grants a +3 Bonus to any related rolls. In dire situations where survival is at stake, Art can use his ability to create makeshift shelters, set up defensive positions, and identify safe sources of water and food. His skills enable the group to endure harsh conditions, making them less susceptible to the dangers that the eerie landscape of Midnight presents.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength
  • Hunting Rifle: Range 60 meters, damage: 5 + Agility 

Articles under Art Thompson


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