Bea Cooper in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Bea Cooper

Bea Cooper, the keeper of Midnight's ancient and forsaken library, is a solitary figure, rarely seen beyond the library's faded threshold. The old, run-down building, with its creaky floorboards and dust-laden shelves, holds secrets that only she dares to explore. The townspeople avoid the place like the plague, except for the occasional outsider who stumbles upon it by accident. Bea's deep-set hazel eyes, tinged with both weariness and wonder, betray her love for the written word. Her weathered hands meticulously dust the timeworn volumes, each one holding an untold tale of the town's history and enigmatic curses. Her clothes are simple and practical, reflecting her solitary existence within the library's crumbling walls. Behind her thick-rimmed glasses, there's an air of quiet intensity that draws the curious few who dare to venture inside. Bea's long, silvery hair cascades over her shoulders, giving her an ethereal air that seems almost out of place in the decaying library. Despite her aloofness, she radiates a sense of mystery that beckons the few who seek knowledge beyond the mundane.   Within the library's narrow confines, Bea becomes a guardian of secrets, unravelling the mysteries that enshroud Midnight. The shelves groan under the weight of forgotten tomes and dusty manuscripts, each holding hidden truths and malevolent warnings. The library's hushed atmosphere belies the arcane knowledge contained within its pages. Bea's fascination with forbidden texts and ancient lore fuels her insatiable hunger for answers. She spends hours, days, and nights poring over the yellowed parchments and cryptic symbols, delving into the darkness to unlock the town's secrets. She understands the risk of delving too deep, but she cannot resist the allure of hidden knowledge that could save Midnight or doom it to eternal torment. Though the townsfolk dismiss her as eccentric and dangerous, Bea remains steadfast in her pursuit. Her solitude becomes her strength, for it shields others from the malevolent forces she seeks to understand. She treads cautiously, aware that her quest could bring calamity upon Midnight if she missteps.      
Personal History
  Born to a family with deep roots in the town's history, she was raised on the stories of Midnight's dark past, tales of curses, and restless spirits haunting the land. From a young age, Bea was drawn to the forbidden knowledge lurking within the town's ancient library, where generations of her family had been keepers of secrets. As a child, Bea spent countless hours among dusty books and crumbling manuscripts, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic tales within. The stories of the past, both terrifying and alluring, sparked a relentless desire to uncover the truth behind the town's cursed legacy.   As she grew older, her passion for the occult and forbidden knowledge only intensified. Bea's fascination with the supernatural and the unknown led her to explore forbidden texts, ancient tomes, and esoteric scrolls that few dared to touch. Her thirst for understanding the mysteries of Midnight became her life's pursuit, eclipsing any semblance of a normal existence. Her devotion to the library and her relentless quest for knowledge led her to isolate herself from the town's wary gaze. The townspeople regarded her as an oddity, an outsider obsessed with dangerous lore. Yet, she remained undeterred, for she knew that the answers she sought could either save Midnight from its haunted past or plunge it further into darkness. Bea's life became an intricate dance between the realms of the mundane and the occult. She navigated the complexities of her existence with quiet determination, seeking to protect the town from the malevolent entities that lurked in its shadows. Her discoveries, though guarded closely, sometimes hinted at potential solutions to the town's cursed plight. Over time, Bea became the lone guardian of the library, tending to its decaying shelves and preserving the secrets held within its musty confines. As the years passed, the library became her sanctuary, the keeper of her most profound discoveries and her deepest fears.      
  Bea Cooper, an older woman, exudes an aura of quiet mystique. Her long silver hair cascades gracefully down her back. Thick-rimmed, round glasses perch on her nose, adding an air of scholarly wisdom to her already enigmatic presence. Her aging face is a tapestry of time, etched with lines that tell stories of countless hours spent poring over ancient tomes and forgotten manuscripts. Behind her wise, piercing gaze lies a well of knowledge and an insatiable curiosity that has only grown stronger with age. Bea's attire is a testament to her love for the past and the arcane. She often dons long, flowing skirts and layers of shawls, a nod to a bygone era when such attire was more common. Her wardrobe boasts a collection of eccentric jewelry, each piece holding its own mysterious tale. A pendant with a strange sigil, an amulet adorned with moonstones, and a ring with an ancient symbol, these trinkets whisper of the secrets she has uncovered in the dimly lit corners of the decaying library.
Current Location
Midnight Library    
  • Age: 67
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Hair: White
  • Height: 5' 4"
  • Weight: 145

HP: 5

  • Body: 2
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 4
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 3
  • Initiative: 2
  • Stealth: 3
  • Grappling: 1
  • Melee: 1
  • Ranged: 2
  • Soak: 2
  • Dodge: 2
  • Ancient Insight: Due to her extensive knowledge of forbidden texts and ancient tomes, she possesses unique insights into the mysteries and curses that plague Midnight. When investigating artifacts, occult symbols, or deciphering cryptic clues, Bea gains a +3 bonus to her rolls. Her keen understanding of the town's dark history allows her to navigate through its malevolent forces more effectively, helping her and characters she deems worthy of her trust, to stay one step ahead of the lurking horrors. Additionally, she may occasionally uncover hidden secrets and lore that others would overlook, providing valuable information to aid in the struggle against the evil entities that haunt Midnight. 
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

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