
Affected Stats:

  • +1 Mind
  • -1 Dodge


  "Faith Moves Mountains" Unwavering Conviction - The Believer possesses an unwavering faith that grants them supernatural strength and resilience. Once per session, the Believer can activate their ability:   Divine Empowerment: The Believer's faith in their chosen deity or higher power surges through them, imbuing them with extraordinary abilities. They gain a temporary boost to their Body and Luck stats, reflecting the divine favor and spiritual fortitude bestowed upon them. For the next hour, the Believer gains a +2 bonus to Body and Luck rolls. Additionally, the Believer's ability allows them to channel their faith to perform miraculous feats or call upon divine intervention. They may roll their Body+Luck+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for guidance or advantages related to their faith-based abilities. This could manifest as supernatural strength, resistance to physical or supernatural harm, or receiving divine insights or visions to aid them on their journey. However, the outcomes of such interventions are ultimately at the discretion of the GM and should align with the game's narrative and theme, however, the Believer's unwavering faith may attract the attention of malevolent forces. While activating their ability, the Believer suffers a temporary -1 penalty to their Sanity stat, reflecting the strain of their spiritual connection and the potential exposure to otherworldly entities. Their deep connection to the divine realm may make them more susceptible to supernatural influences or disturbing visions.      


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Rosary/Prayer Beads
  • Religious Text
  • Candle
  • Holy Symbol


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