Equipment in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil


While most equipment in the game, both what a profession starts with and what can be acquired in game, the vast majority of what people will have is a collection of rather mundane items. Most of these need no real description aside from what they are and their function, and since this is a modern setting, most will know what these items can do. In the case of weaponry however, some clarification for the sake of a uniform structure is in order.  


  In the case of a character picking up a mundane item as a implement of harm, every profession has their improvised weapon attack listed on their description. This is a fairly standard listing, but can be adjusted as per GM discretion if the item in use merits more or less damage based on size and potential for damage.    
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength
Every Profession has the ability to use an unarmed strike as well. While this is listed simply as "fist" it also applies to kicks, headbutts, knees, etc.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  In the case of actual weaponry, these items tend to do significantly more damage on a successful hit, keeping a degree of realism and danger attached to them. As the game is meant to be harsh, unforgiving, and competitive, starting out with or finding a weapon can ultimately tip the odds in a player's favor. To balance this, ammunition is extremely scarce. Below is a list of weapons currently available to either start with, find, or take from another character:  
Weapon Damage
Baseball Bat 5’ reach, Damage 3+Strength
Baton 5’ reach, Damage 3+Strength
Brass Knuckles 5’ reach, Damage 3+Strength
Crowbar 5’ reach, Damage 3+Strength
Eldritch Dagger 5’ reach, Damage 3+Strength, Plus Diseased Effect (Difficulty 9)
Fire Axe 5' reach, damage: 3+Strength
Glock 17 Range 50 meters, damage: 4+Agility
Hunting Crossbow Range 30 meters, damage: 4+Agility
Hunting Rifle Range 60 meters, damage: 5+Agility
Hidden Blade 5' reach, damage: 3+Agility
Molotov Cocktail Range 10 meters, Area 2 meters, damage: 3, Plus Burning Effect until extinguished
Pepper Spray Range 3 meters, damage: 0, plus Blinded Effect for 30 minutes
Shadowed Dagger Shadowed Dagger: 5' reach, damage: 3+Strength, Plus Intense Fear
SIG Sauer M17 50 meters, damage 4+Agility
Silver Plated Revolver 50 meters, damage 4+Agility, +1 Damage against Supernatural Creatures
Slingshot 30 meters, damage 3+Agility
Sawed Off Shotgun 10 meters, damage 5+Agility
Sturdy Hunting Knife 5' reach, damage: 3+Agility
Switchblade 5' reach, damage: 3+Agility
Taser 15' reach, damage: 1, Plus Paralysis Effect upto One Minute unless disconnected


  Without going into an exhaustive list of the equipment available for starting professions and items that can be found on the search table, Surviving Midnight gives the Game Master a significant amount of creative license when it comes to the mundane items. Anything without any supernatural, harmful, or express purpose beyond the obvious can be found within Midnight, within reason. The roll table is a suggestive listing to make things easier for the Game Master, but should a situation or location merit it, then granting a player an appropriate object based on the scenario and environment will only help to further the story and keep things interesting. The mundane items in game are meant to encourage players to think outside the box, and to be creative with the items at hand and the archetype they are playing. Creative game play can easily overcome an aggressive character, though chance always has its say in these matters. As a Game Master, encourage this creativity and reward it where applicable.   For sake of ease, basic items will add a point to a roll if a tool is used for the purpose it is intended, leaving the lion's share of success on the player's skill and roll of the dice.   The Following items are special cases:  
Item Description
Anti-Venom This will immediately remove the effects of any Poisoned State.
Damaged Dark Vision Goggles While turned on and in use, these will offer a +2 bonus to Mind rolls used for perceptive or searching while in the dark, but should The character be exposed to bright light while they are active, the malfunction caused by the damage will kick in, causing the  Blindness State for the next 30 minutes (In Game Time).
Defibrillator If used on a downed individual that has not failed their fourth Luck roll to revive after being downed, this will revive them at  1 Health Point without the need for a roll. Additionally, if used as a weapon, it will deliver a shock that will cause 3 Points of damage and cause the Paralysis State (7-8 Challenging Rating to resist) for 1 Hour.
Epinephrine Auto-Injector This will remove the effects of any naturally occuring minor poisons, or give a temporary boost to Strength, Body, and Agility of +1. These effects will last for 30 minutes (In Game Time), but will lead to a crash for the following 30 minutes (In Game Time) that subtracts 1 from Body, Strength, and Agility while the character recuperates.
Holy Water If applied directly to a supernatural entity, this will cause 1d6 damage to the creature. Supernatural entities can sense the Holy Water, and if applied to a door or window, it will bar the creature from entering as long as the water remains liquid. Upon  evaporating or being removed, the power it carries is no longer viable.
Lucky Gator Foot This dessicated Gator's Foot is on a small keychain, hand taxidermied by someone that took very little care to preserve it beyond making sure it wouldn't smell or rot. While it is flaking and seems to be little more than junk, anyone that carries this item will gain a permanent +1 bonus to their Luck Points. This point cannot be spent, but cannot be lost unless the item is removed from their inventory. 
Pain-Killers A single pain killer will boost a Body score by one point for an hour, and if needed, allow a character to push through the effects of an injury that might otherwise inhibit movement or action during this time. However, the character will also suffer a -1 penalty to all Mind rolls while under the effects of the drug. 
Stolen Holy Relic Holy Relics are items of power that were stored at one time in the local Calvary Baptist Church that were stolen many years ago and lost. They come in a number of forms from mummified body parts to locks of hair and effigies and symbols associated with the church itself. A  character in possession of one of these items gains a bonus of +1 to their Sanity Points as long as it remains in their possession. 
Thick Leather Jacket This is a thick, hide jacket made from what seems to most likely be gator least one would hope that's what it is. Either way, wearing  this garment grants a bonus of +2 Soak as long as it is worn by a character. 


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