Evie Simmons in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Evie Simmons

Evie Simmons is a gentle and caring elderly woman with a gentle but troubled heart. Despite her advanced age, she exudes a sense of wisdom and warmth that draws people to her. Her silver hair is tied back in a neat bun, and her eyes sparkle with kindness and knowledge earned over a lifetime. Evie is often seen in simple, flowing dresses. Her hands are calloused yet gentle, a testament to years spent tending to the herbs and plants that surround her humble abode.   Living on the outskirts of Midnight, Evie's quaint cottage is nestled among the dense foliage of the delta. Inside, the aroma of herbs and healing concoctions lingers in the air, creating a soothing atmosphere. The shelves are lined with dusty tomes and mysterious artifacts, remnants of ancient rituals and forgotten knowledge. Despite her benevolent nature, Evie's help comes at a price. She does not offer her services freely; instead, she expects something in return. The cost might vary from a heartfelt favor to a deeply personal sacrifice, depending on the severity of the assistance sought.      
Personal History
  Long ago, in the heart of Midnight, Evie Simmons was a vibrant and cheerful young woman, full of dreams and aspirations. She lived with her loving husband, Thomas, who was a skilled healer renowned for his knowledge of traditional remedies. Together, they brought hope and healing to the people of the town, using their skills to mend both bodies and souls, however, darkness had already cast its shadow upon Midnight. A malevolent force, born of ancient curses and lingering resentment, began to take hold, seeping into the town's very foundations. It was drawn to Evie's pure and benevolent spirit, seeking to corrupt her and exploit her powers for its nefarious schemes.   One fateful night, while Thomas was away, the malevolent force struck. It attacked Evie's home, seeking to drain her radiant soul and bend it to its dark will. Evie's resistance was fierce, but the force overpowered her, leaving her broken and helpless. In a twisted and horrifying event, the malevolent force extracted a part of Evie's soul, corrupting it with its dark essence. This left her scarred and bound to its sinister desires. The stolen essence became a source of both power and suffering, fueling the malevolent force's wicked plans. Evie's husband returned to find his home desecrated and his beloved changed forever. Heartbroken and unable to save her, he sought the guidance of the town's elders, who were helpless against the insidious force's influence. As the years passed, Evie's appearance began to change, her once vibrant spirit now overshadowed by an aura of darkness. Her hair turned silver, and her once bright eyes took on an unsettling gleam. The townsfolk, sensing the change, started to avoid her, whispering rumors about her transformation.   Haunted by her past and tormented by the dark force residing within her, Evie secluded herself in the depths of the delta, where she found solace amidst the ancient herbs and hidden secrets of the wilderness. The force's stolen essence within her granted her access to both dark and light powers, and she began to develop her own talents in healing and protection, though forever tainted by the malevolence that bound her. Now, living on the outskirts of Midnight, Evie struggles to maintain a delicate balance between the light and the darkness within her. While she still desires to use her powers for good, she knows that the malevolent force's influence must be quelled. Her quest for redemption is fueled by the memory of the loving woman she once was, and she remains determined to protect the town from the evil that threatens it, even if it means facing the malevolence that cursed her.      
  Evie Simmons stands with a graceful yet weathered presence, her once lustrous auburn hair has transformed into a flowing cascade of silver, falling gracefully down her back. Deep wrinkles, like etched memories, trace the paths of a life well-lived on her warm and gentle face. Her round, wise eyes shimmer with a soft, emerald glow, a hint of the darkness that now resides within her. She dons a long, flowing gown of earthy hues, adorned with delicate patterns of leaves and vines. A faded shawl rests across her shoulders, a comforting mantle that conceals both her fragile humanity and her powerful secrets.   Despite her aging appearance, there is an undeniable aura of strength and resilience surrounding Evie. She walks with a measured grace, her every movement imbued with the knowledge of the ages and the weight of the darkness that seeks to consume her. Evie's presence exudes both a sense of vulnerability and a hidden reservoir of potent magic that lingers just beneath the surface, ready to be unleashed when needed.
Current Location
Evie's Cottage      
  • Age: 72
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: White
  • Height: 5' 9"
  • Weight: 210

HP: 5

  • Body: 2
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 3
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 3
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 4
  • Grappling: 1
  • Melee: 1
  • Ranged: 2
  • Soak: 2
  • Dodge: 2
  • Ancient Remedies: Through her deep knowledge of herbalism and ancient rituals, Evie can craft powerful potions and concoctions to aid those she feels worthy of her help and protect them from the malevolent forces that haunt Midnight. These remedies can heal wounds, provide temporary boosts to their abilities, and even grant limited protection against the dark entities that threaten their lives. Her healing can completely restore lost stat points, heal 1d6 Health Points, or add a +2 to any stat or ability for one (Real World) hour, however, each remedy comes with a price, as the ingredients required for these potent concoctions are often rare and difficult to obtain, and using them can attract the attention of the malevolent forces lurking in the shadows, having a 1 in 6 chance of attracting the attention of the Plat-Eye that tends to roam in the area near her cottage. Players must carefully consider when and how to utilize Evie's remedies, as their actions may have unforeseen consequences and take up time and resources to find the ingredients needed. 
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

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