
Affected Stats:

  • +1 Mind
  • +1 Luck


  "Business Savvy Leader" Strategic Acumen - The Executive possesses exceptional business acumen and leadership skills, making them an influential and effective leader. Once per session, the Executive can activate their ability:   Strategic Insight: The Executive's sharp business mind and leadership capabilities come to the forefront. They gain a temporary boost to their Mind and Luck stats, reflecting their heightened strategic thinking and ability to inspire and motivate others. For the next hour, the Executive gains a +2 bonus to Mind and Luck rolls. Additionally, the Executive's ability allows them to utilize their leadership skills to coordinate and guide their companions, maximizing their efficiency and effectiveness. They may roll their Mind+Luck+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for guidance or advantages related to strategic decision-making, delegation, or inspiring teamwork. Their natural charisma and ability to analyze complex situations can provide them with insights, tactical advantages, or opportunities to influence others. Moreover, the Executive's business background grants them a keen understanding of negotiations, financial matters, and resource management. They have an advantage in bartering, financial planning, or identifying profitable opportunities, however, the Executive's relentless pursuit of success and focus on business matters may create challenges in personal relationships or moral decision-making. Their prioritization of goals and efficiency may result in a temporary -1 penalty to social rolls related to empathy or forming deep emotional connections with others.    


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Briefcase
  • Smartphone  (No outside connection)
  • Business Cards
  • Fountain Pen
Financial / Trade


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