Ezekiel "The Ratcatcher" Tate in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Ezekiel "The Ratcatcher" Tate

Ezekiel "The Ratcatcher" Tate is an enigmatic figure who haunts the darkened alleys and forgotten corners of Midnight, his lanky silhouette a mere whisper in the moonlit shadows. With an unsettling grin that seems to stretch too wide, he prowls the town's cobblestone streets, a living specter in pursuit of a peculiar mission. Dressed in tattered clothes and wearing a tattered hat that conceals most of his features, he skulks through the streets of Midnight, his fingers, long and nimble like the claws of a predatory bird, twitching with anticipation as he listens for the faintest sound. Ezekiel's true skill lies in his ability to capture rodents with an eerie precision. Armed only with his bare hands, he moves with an unsettling grace, seemingly dancing on the edge of reality and the twilight realm. With an almost supernatural connection to the nocturnal creatures, he navigates through the town's decaying structures, attuned to the scurrying echoes of hidden life. The unsettling part of Ezekiel's presence is the haunting tunes he hums while on his hunts. These tunes resonate with an otherworldly allure, pulling at the deepest recesses of the listener's mind. Some say they are an invocation, a siren song that draws the vermin out of their hiding places, while others believe they are whispers of a dark pact with the unseen forces of Midnight.      
Personal History
  Ezekiel "The Ratcatcher" Tate was born under the waning moon, on a night shrouded in mystery and superstition. From a young age, he displayed an uncanny affinity for the creatures that scurried in the darkest corners of Midnight. Growing up in the eerie embrace of the delta region, he was surrounded by stories of otherworldly beings and whispered secrets that danced on the edge of reality. As a child, Ezekiel found solace among the rats and crows that roamed the town, forming an unbreakable bond with these misunderstood creatures. They seemed to respond to his touch, as if drawn to his presence by an unseen force. His family, wary of his peculiar abilities, could only watch with growing concern as this behavior moved from a quirk of youth to something more obsessive and strange.   As he matured, Ezekiel's talents grew beyond the mundane. Whispers of his unusual talents spread like wildfire through Midnight, and soon, he became known as "The Ratcatcher." Some believed Ezekiel had struck a deal with the sinister spirits that lurked in the shadows, while others whispered that he was a living vessel of the old delta magic, a conduit between the mortal realm and the eerie unknown. Regardless of the rumors, there was an undeniable aura of mystery surrounding him.   Throughout the years, the town's elders sought his services in dealing with infestations, and he was paid handsomely in hushed tones and half-kept promises. Yet, as the town's fortunes waned and its streets grew lonelier, Ezekiel's eerie whistling tunes began to echo more frequently through the night, a haunting reminder of his uncanny presence.       
  Ezekiel "The Ratcatcher" Tate is a figure that seems to blend seamlessly with the shadows of Midnight. Standing tall and lanky, he moves with an almost otherworldly grace, his steps as silent as a whisper. His skin, the color of creekbed dirt, carries the tales of years spent under the Delta sun, weathered and etched with lines of age and wisdom. His eyes are dark and piercing, like two orbs that see far beyond the veil of the mortal realm. They hold a hint of mystery and a glint of amusement, a knowing gaze that seems to peer into the depths of one's soul. His thin lips often curl into an unsettling grin, revealing teeth that gleam in the dim light with a hint of eeriness.   Ezekiel's attire adds to his enigmatic aura. He dons a tattered, worn-out coat that looks as if it has seen countless nights of midnight wanderings. Its deep, dark hue matches the shadows that he weaves through so effortlessly, and underneath, he wears clothes that could have been fashioned decades ago, their style reminiscent of a bygone era. Around his neck hangs an intricate pendant, a symbol of a forgotten delta tradition that has faded into myth. Feathers and bones dangle from it, creating an eerie melody of soft clinks whenever he moves. It's said that this pendant holds some connection to the spirits that he's believed to commune with, but perhaps the most striking aspect of Ezekiel's appearance is his hair. Long, wild, and silvered by age, it cascades like a shimmering waterfall down his shoulders and back.
Current Location
The streets and ruins of Midnight township.    
  • Age: 53
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Black
  • Hair: Black/Grey
  • Height: 5' 7"
  • Weight: 157 

HP: 3

  • Body: 3
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 6
  • Mind: 3
  • Luck Points: 4
  • Initiative: 5
  • Stealth: 6
  • Grappling: 3
  • Melee: 2
  • Ranged: 1
  • Soak: 2
  • Dodge: 4
  • Whisper of the Spirits: Once per game session, Ezekiel can use "Whisper of the Spirits" to tap into the supernatural knowledge of the spirits that surround him. By rolling a combination of his Mind + Luck + 1d6 against a difficulty (determined by the GM based on the questions asked), he can gain valuable information about the town, its dark history, or the malevolent entities that lurk in the shadows. The success of the roll determines the depth and accuracy of the information obtained. A high roll may reveal hidden secrets, clues to mysteries, or even provide guidance on how to confront the malevolent forces haunting Midnight. However, a failed roll might lead to cryptic or misleading messages from the spirits, leaving Ezekiel and his companions with more questions than answers. Using "Whisper of the Spirits" comes with a price, as it leaves Ezekiel vulnerable to the unsettling and sometimes malevolent influence of the spirits. They might speak in disturbing voices or show him haunting visions, causing temporary mental strain. Additionally, the unnatural nature of this ability can draw the attention of malevolent entities, making it a risky endeavor in the dark and foreboding world of Midnight.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength


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