Georgie Simmons in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Georgie Simmons

Georgie Simmons is a tall, slender young man with unkempt, dark hair and sunken eyes that carry a perpetual look of fear and anxiety. His clothes are tattered and stained, a reflection of his life as a homeless wanderer on the streets of Midnight. Despite his disheveled appearance, Georgie possesses an air of intensity and alertness, constantly glancing over his shoulder as if expecting danger to strike at any moment. His psychic abilities have become a heavy burden for his fragile psyche. His mind is plagued by constant visions of the malevolent entities that lurk in the shadows, haunting his every step. These glimpses of darkness have left him deeply scarred and untrusting of anyone, even his own grandmother, Evie Simmons.   Georgie's psychic visions have made him unpredictable and paranoid. He struggles to differentiate between reality and the twisted illusions that assail his mind, leading him to isolate himself from those who care about him. In his fear and desperation to escape the malevolent entities' influence, he refuses to allow Evie anywhere near him, believing that the darkness within her could endanger him further. As he roams the dimly lit streets of Midnight, Georgie's psychic abilities sometimes give him brief glimpses of crucial information or potential dangers, but the overwhelming weight of his visions often leaves him disoriented and unable to make sense of his surroundings.      
Personal History
  Georgie Simmons grew up in the small town of Midnight, living with his grandmother, Evie, after the tragic loss of his parents in a mysterious accident when he was just a child. From an early age, Georgie displayed unusual psychic abilities, seeing visions of things that others couldn't comprehend. His grandmother, who had her own connection to the supernatural, tried her best to guide and protect him, however, as Georgie grew older, his psychic powers became stronger and more uncontrollable. The visions of malevolent entities and dark omens tormented him day and night, causing him to withdraw from his friends and family. The people of Midnight, unfamiliar with such abilities, began to fear him, calling him cursed and avoiding him at all costs. Feeling isolated and misunderstood, Georgie's mental state began to deteriorate. He struggled to discern reality from his haunting visions, leading to bouts of paranoia and erratic behavior. The burden of his psychic powers became too much for him to bear, and he felt like an outcast in his own hometown.   One fateful night, Georgie had a particularly harrowing vision that shattered his trust in his own grandmother, Evie. He saw a dark entity feeding on her soul, leaving a taint on her spirit. Unable to comprehend the true nature of his visions, Georgie pushed Evie away, believing that being near her would put him in even greater danger. Since then, Georgie has lived as a homeless vagabond, wandering the streets of Midnight, haunted by his psychic abilities and the malevolent entities that seem to follow him wherever he goes. His mind is a tangled web of fear, uncertainty, and mistrust, leaving him on constant edge, refusing to let anyone close enough to see his vulnerability.      
  Georgie Simmons is a young man in his early twenties, but the weight of his troubled life has aged him beyond his years. His once vibrant, hazel eyes now carry a haunted look, constantly scanning the world around him for signs of danger. Long strands of unruly dark hair fall haphazardly over his forehead, emphasizing the lines of stress etched on his face. His clothes, once well-kept and comfortable, have now become tattered and dirt-streaked from days of wandering the streets. A patched-up flannel shirt, several sizes too large for him, hangs loosely from his thin frame. Georgie's once cheerful smile has been replaced with a wary frown, and his gaze often drifts into the distance as if he's still lost in one of his disturbing visions. Dark circles sag under his eyes, evidence of sleepless nights spent struggling with his psychic abilities. Despite the weariness in his appearance, there's a glimmer of resilience in Georgie's posture, as if he's trying to hold onto the last shreds of his sanity. His shoulders are often hunched, ready to retreat from perceived threats, and his hands shake with an underlying nervousness.
Current Location
The streets and alleys of Midnight township.    
  • Age: 23
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Hair: Dark Brown
  • Height: 6' 1"
  • Weight: 190

HP: 5

  • Body: 5
  • Strength: 3
  • Agility: 5
  • Mind: 5
  • Luck Points: 5
  • Initiative: 5
  • Stealth: 6
  • Grappling: 2
  • Melee: 3
  • Ranged: 4
  • Soak: 3
  • Dodge: 6
  • Spectral Sight: Three times per encounter, Georgie can perceive the hidden malevolent entities that lurk in Midnight, seeing them as dark, ethereal shadows that blend into the surroundings. This ability allows him to detect the presence of these entities, even when they are attempting to remain hidden, however, using Spectral Sight comes at a cost. Every time Georgie activates this ability, he risks glimpsing into the malevolent entities' world, which takes a toll on his mental and emotional well-being, causing him to roll a Mind + Luck + 1d6 roll against a (9 to 10) Hard Difficulty Check as he attempts to maintain his tenuous grip on sanity. The horrifying visions and haunting experiences he witnesses can lead to temporary bouts of paranoia, erratic behavior, and even loss of consciousness if the roll fails, the outright effects being up to the Game Master's discretion. Spectral Sight gives Georgie an advantage in identifying the dangers lurking in the town, helping anyone that can convince him to help to  stay one step ahead of the malevolent entities, however, players must be cautious not to overuse this ability, as it could push Georgie further into the depths of his troubled mind and bring him closer to the brink of madness.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength


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