Granny Mae Halloway in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Granny Mae Halloway

Granny Mae Halloway, the wisest soul in Midnight, exudes an aura of ancient knowledge and mystique. Her frail form is shrouded in a tattered shawl that seems to blend seamlessly with the shadows of the night. Deep wrinkles line her face, etched by time and wisdom, and her silvery hair cascades down like a shimmering waterfall, reflecting the moon's pale light. Her eyes, though weathered and worn, still hold a glint of vitality and mischief, hinting at the secrets she keeps close to her heart. When Granny Mae walks, it is with a slow but purposeful gait, as if she is in harmony with the rhythm of the earth beneath her feet. Some claim to have seen her wandering the woods at night, whispering ancient incantations under her breath, her presence imbued with a touch of the otherworldly, however, there is more to Granny Mae than meets the eye. Some say she has the ability to see beyond the veil of reality, perceiving glimpses of the hidden truths that surround Midnight. Her incantations are said to draw upon the energies of the land and the spirits that inhabit it, weaving a delicate dance of harmony between the living and the supernatural.      
Personal History
  Granny Mae Halloway's history is as elusive and mysterious as the ancient delta that surrounds Midnight. No one truly knows when she arrived in the town or where she came from, for she has been a part of the community for as long as anyone can remember. Some say she has always been there, a fixture of Midnight's landscape, like the gnarled trees and winding creeks. Whispers and rumors circulate among the townsfolk, hinting at a past filled with untold adventures and encounters with the supernatural. Some say she was once a wandering healer, traversing distant lands and learning the ancient arts of herbalism and magic from wise sages. Others claim she hails from a long line of cunning folk, gifted with the ability to commune with spirits and channel the energies of the earth. Regardless of her origins, Granny Mae's presence in Midnight has left an indelible mark on the town. Over the years, she has become a cherished figure, offering solace, wisdom, and remedies to those in need. Her deep knowledge of herbs and natural remedies has saved many from ailments and maladies that modern medicine could not cure.   As time passed, Granny Mae's reputation as a mysterious figure with a deep connection to the supernatural only grew. Some believe she is a guardian of the ancient spirits that inhabit the woods, watching over the town and protecting it from malevolent forces that linger in the shadows. Others whisper that she has the power to see into the future or speak to the dead, yet, despite her uncanny abilities, Granny Mae remains humble and kind-hearted. She takes on the role of a caretaker and confidante, listening to the woes and secrets of the townsfolk with a compassionate ear. Her gentle guidance and sage advice have helped many find their way through life's darkest moments.      
  Granny Mae Halloway, the eldest resident of Midnight, is a sight to behold. Her age-worn frame stands slightly hunched, a result of the many years she has spent wandering the woods and tending to her mysterious craft. Her skin, wrinkled like the bark of an ancient tree, bears the marks of a life well-lived and steeped in wisdom. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of deep brown, hold an otherworldly glimmer that seems to see far beyond the veil of this reality. They exude a sense of both kindness and ancient knowledge, hinting at the secrets she keeps locked within.    Granny Mae's snow-white hair cascades down her shoulders in unruly waves, framing her weathered face like a silvery halo. A few strands of dried herbs and feathers are often woven into her hair, a subtle nod to her mystical inclinations. She is always draped in a tattered shawl, woven from an array of earth-toned fabrics that blend seamlessly with the colors of the woods she roams. The shawl seems to carry a life of its own, adorned with symbols and intricate patterns that only Granny Mae knows the meaning of.   Despite her advancing years, Granny Mae moves with a certain grace and nimbleness, almost as if the woods themselves guide her steps. Her hands, gnarled and calloused from years of gathering herbs and mixing potions, bear the marks of a life dedicated to her craft. In her presence, there is an undeniable aura of both serenity and intensity, as if the very essence of nature flows through her veins. She speaks in a soft, yet firm voice, each word carrying the weight of wisdom and experience.

      * It is important to note that Granny Mae Halloway is one of the most powerful individuals in Midnight, and should be used sparingly, as she has little interest in involving herself with outsiders caught up in the Midnight Specter's games. She may, depending on the interaction with a character, use one of her abilities per encounter if she so chooses to.
Current Location
Wandering the outskirts of Midnight    
  • Age: Unknown
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Silver
  • Height: 5' 3"
  • Weight: 270

HP: 5

  • Body: 2
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 2
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 6
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 5
  • Grappling: 1
  • Melee: 2
  • Ranged: 3
  • Soak: 2
  • Dodge: 2
  • Herbal Wisdom: Granny Mae's deep understanding of herbs and plants grants her the ability to brew powerful potions. These concoctions can heal wounds, cure ailments, and even provide temporary enhancements to her allies' abilities.
  • Mystic Incantations: Through her ancient chants and incantations, Granny Mae can tap into the mystical energies that surround Midnight. Her magic allows her to manipulate the environment, summon protective barriers, or ensnare foes with enchanted snares.
  • Nature's Blessing: As a true daughter of the Delta's wilderness, Granny Mae has a natural affinity with the creatures that inhabit the woods. She can communicate with animals, gaining their trust and enlisting their aid in times of need.
  • Protective Warding: Granny Mae is skilled in setting up protective wards and charms to safeguard her allies from malevolent forces. These mystical barriers can shield against curses, hexes, and even repel some of the sinister entities that haunt Midnight.
  • Sight Beyond the Veil: With her deep connection to the supernatural, Granny Mae can perceive the hidden truths and hidden dangers that lurk in the shadows. She can sense malevolent spirits, detect hidden magical influences, and foresee potential threats to the town.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength


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