
Affected Stats:

  • -1 Sanity Points
  • +1 Soak


    "Emotionally Unstable"  Unpredictable Turmoil - The Headcase is plagued by emotional instability, leading to unpredictable shifts in their mental and psychological state. Once per session, the Headcase can activate their ability:   Unstable Outburst: The Headcase's emotional turmoil reaches its peak, granting them a surge of unpredictability. They gain a temporary boost to their Luck and Mind stats, reflecting their heightened state of emotions and cognitive adaptability. For the next hour, the Headcase gains a +2 bonus to Luck and Mind rolls. Additionally, the Headcase's ability allows them to tap into the depths of their emotional chaos to unleash unexpected effects. They may roll their Luck+Mind+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for unpredictable outcomes related to their current emotional state. This could manifest as sudden bursts of insight, bursts of intense focus, temporary boosts to physical attributes, or unconventional problem-solving approaches. However, these outcomes come with inherent risks, as the unpredictable nature of the Headcase's emotional instability can lead to unintended consequences or unforeseen setbacks, however, the Headcase's emotional instability takes its toll on their overall well-being. While activating their ability, the Headcase suffers a temporary -1 penalty to their Sanity stat, reflecting the strain of their fluctuating mental state. Their vulnerability to psychological stressors may increase, making them more susceptible to the horrors and terrors that permeate the world around them.    


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Pill Bottle
  • Journal with Crayon
  • Therapist's Contact Information
  • Comfort Object


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