Henry "Hogleg" Turner in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Henry "Hogleg" Turner

Henry "Hogleg" Turner is a solitary figure, weathered by years of hard work on his farm in the outskirts of Midnight, Mississippi. He is a tall and lean man, with calloused hands and a face etched with lines from a life spent outdoors. His once-dark hair has now turned to streaks of gray, adding to his enigmatic appearance. Dressed in worn overalls and a faded flannel shirt, Henry rarely ventures into town unless absolutely necessary. He prefers the company of his crops and livestock, finding solace in the rhythm of farm life and the vast open fields that surround his property.   The locals in Midnight hold mixed opinions about Henry. Some view him with respect, as he's known for his hard work, ingenuity, and generosity when it comes to helping others in need. Others, however, are wary of him due to the strange connection he seems to have with the countless crows that call Midnight their home. It is said that Henry has an uncanny bond with the crows, and they, in turn, seem to respond to his presence. They flock to his fields, and when he walks among them, they follow him as if he were their king. Some even claim to have seen him speaking to the birds in hushed tones, as if sharing secrets only they could understand. Whether it's superstition or something more, the fact remains that Henry's farm is always free of pests. Crows keep watch over his crops, ensuring that no harm befalls them, and many believe that he has an otherworldly power over these intelligent and perceptive creatures. Henry himself rarely speaks of the bond he shares with the crows. He is a man of few words, and when questioned about the phenomenon, he simply smiles enigmatically and changes the subject.      
Personal History
  Henry "Hogleg" Turner was born and raised on a small farm just outside of Midnight, Mississippi. From a young age, he developed a deep love for the land and the creatures that inhabited it. As a boy, he spent hours wandering through the woods, observing the wildlife and learning the ways of the land from his father and grandfather. As he grew older, Henry's bond with the natural world only deepened. He took over the family farm and dedicated himself to cultivating the land with care and respect. He became known for his agricultural expertise and innovative farming methods, which earned him the nickname "Hogleg" due to his skilled use of a hunting rifle to protect his crops from pests, but it was his connection with the crows that set him apart from the rest. From a young age, Henry seemed to have an unusual affinity for these intelligent birds. They flocked to his farm, and he could communicate with them in a way that no one else could. Some said he could speak their language, while others believed he possessed a touch of magic.   As time went on, the rumors about Henry's bond with the crows spread throughout Midnight. Some saw it as a gift, a sign of his special connection to the land. Others viewed it with suspicion, attributing it to witchcraft or dark forces. Regardless of the rumors, Henry remained steadfast in his commitment to the farm and the crows that protected it. Over the years, as the town of Midnight faced its own struggles and changes, Henry's farm became a symbol of stability and resilience. The crows continued to watch over his crops, and the farm thrived even during the harshest of times. Despite the hardships and challenges he faced, Henry never wavered. He weathered the storms, both literal and figurative, with a quiet determination that earned him the respect of the townspeople, even those who were wary of his connection to the crows.      
    As an older, well-shaven African American man, Henry "Hogleg" Turner exudes a sense of quiet strength and wisdom. His face bears the weathered lines of a life spent under the sun, a testament to the hard work and resilience that has defined him. His eyes, deep and thoughtful, seem to hold a connection to a world beyond, as if he can see things that others cannot. Though age has touched his hair with strands of silver, it remains thick and tightly coiled, neatly trimmed to match his no-nonsense demeanor. His stature is sturdy and powerful, a reflection of a lifetime of labor on the land he loves.   Henry's attire is simple and practical, befitting a farmer who spends his days toiling in the fields. He wears faded denim overalls, a well-worn flannel shirt, and sturdy work boots. The attire is complemented by a wide-brimmed hat, providing shade and protection from the elements.   Despite his rugged appearance, there is an air of dignity and grace about Henry that commands respect. He carries himself with a quiet confidence, and when he speaks, his words are measured and deliberate, reflecting the wisdom of his years.
Current Location
His farm just outside of town    
  • Age: 55
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black/Grey
  • Height: 5' 11"
  • Weight: 260

HP: 6

  • Body: 6
  • Strength: 5
  • Agility: 3
  • Mind: 3
  • Luck Points: 2
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 3
  • Grappling: 3
  • Melee: 4
  • Ranged: 4
  • Soak: 6
  • Dodge: 2
  • Caw's Embrace: Once per encounter, Henry may use "Caw's Embrace", which allows Henry to summon a flock of crows to descend upon the battlefield and harass his foes. The crows swoop and dive, distracting and disorienting enemies, making it difficult for them to focus on their attacks. This ability can be particularly useful when facing dangerous or overwhelming adversaries, as the crows provide valuable support and create openings for Henry and his allies to strike. This ability adds both a +2 bonus to defense abilities and a +1 bonus to melee skills. Additionally, "Caw's Embrace" grants Henry enhanced awareness and intuition, tapping into the crows' keen senses and forewarning him of impending danger. This heightened perception helps him to navigate the treacherous terrain of Midnight and stay one step ahead of the malevolent entities that prowl the town. His connection with the crows also allows Henry to communicate with them on a deeper level. While he cannot command them outright, he can send them messages and signals, allowing for limited coordination and strategizing during encounters. The crows, in turn, respond to his calls and may bring him valuable information about the town's mysteries and hidden secrets.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength
  • "Hogleg" Sawed Off Shotgun: 10 meters, damage 5+Agility

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