Impa Shilup

In the eerie myths of the Choctaw Native Americans, a creature of dread and darkness lurks: Impa Shilup, also known as Nalusa Chito. This malevolent being takes the form of a colossal, pitch-black humanoid figure, shrouded in shadows that seem to consume all light around it. As the great eater of souls, Impa Shilup preys upon those whose minds are tainted by dark or malevolent thoughts. With a presence that instills fear in the hearts of even the bravest, Impa Shilup is said to have the power to enter the minds of individuals harboring dark or evil ideas and devour their very souls. It is as if this formidable spirit possesses the ability to exploit the chinks in the armor of the human mind, feasting on the innermost fears, doubts, and malevolent emotions. The creature's relentless pursuit extends to those suffering from the weight of depression, as their vulnerable state makes them susceptible to its sinister influence. Impa Shilup cunningly exploits the darkness within their minds, slipping through the cracks and consuming their souls, leaving them in an eternal shadow of despair.

Basic Information


Towering over the average human, this ominous creature stands at an imposing height, reaching nearly ten feet tall. Its physique, draped in an inky-black shadowy cloak, is reminiscent of a human's silhouette but distorted and elongated in eerie proportions. The entity's limbs are elongated, adorned with sinewy, spindly fingers that end in wickedly sharp claws, ready to seize its unfortunate victims. Its legs are long and powerful, allowing it to move with unsettling grace and speed. Despite its seemingly solid form, Impa Shilup's figure ripples and shifts with a fluid-like quality, betraying its ethereal nature and connection to the shadows. Its face is the most unsettling feature, shrouded in perpetual darkness. Deep-set, malevolent eyes glow with an unnatural crimson hue, like smoldering embers of a long-extinguished flame. Its mouth, if it can even be called that, is a gaping void of shadows that seem to swallow all light and hope, leaving an oppressive sense of emptiness in its wake. The creature's visage is framed by tendrils of darkness, obscuring its true form, and only hinting at the nightmarish nature lurking within.


Impa Shilup, the dread embodiment of darkness, possesses a chillingly cunning and malevolent behavior that revolves around the manipulation of fear and despair. It is a patient predator, lurking in the dark. Its primary objective is not to kill physically but to devour souls by preying on the darkest emotions within its victims. Impa Shilup delights in psychologically tormenting those it targets, exploiting their insecurities, regrets, and hidden traumas to drive them to the brink of madness. This sinister spirit prefers subtlety in its malevolence, carefully stoking the fires of despair and hopelessness without revealing its presence. It plants seeds of doubt and self-loathing in the minds of its victims, causing them to spiral deeper into darkness.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Impa Shilup has a unique connection to the malevolent thoughts that take root in the human mind. It can perceive the darkest corners of consciousness, sensing even the fleeting wisps of evil intentions or malefic intent. This ability allows it to target those plagued by malevolent thoughts, using them as a conduit to enter and devour their souls.

Civilization and Culture


The true origins of this creature remain shrouded in mystery, leaving speculation among those who dare speak its name. Some believe it to be a malevolent spirit born from the darkest recesses of human consciousness, while others claim it is an ancient entity drawn from the depths of chaos and primordial shadows.

HP: 6

  • Body: 6
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 4
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 3
  • Initiative: 4
  • Stealth: 5
  • Grappling: 3
  • Melee: 4
  • Ranged: 1
  • Soak: 5
  • Dodge: 2
  • Mind Manipulation: The creature wields unparalleled skill in infiltrating the minds of its victims, exploiting their deepest fears, insecurities, and traumas. It can implant nightmarish visions and disturbing hallucinations, causing its targets to doubt their sanity and question reality. This attack instills a (Difficulty: 13 to 14) Daunting Fear Effect in the victims mind, quickly draining the sanity of their prey and leaving them susceptible to consumption.
  • Soul Consumption: Impa Shilup feeds on the negative emotions and despair of its victims, consuming their souls once their mental and emotional defenses are shattered, (i.e. their Sanity Point total reaches 2 or less). The process is excruciatingly slow, allowing the creature to savor the torment it inflicts before finally claiming its prey's essence. By the time the victim reaches this point, there is very little chance they can escape the clutches of this entity, requiring a (15 to 16) Impossible Difficulty Check to resist using a Mind + Luck + 1d6 to succeed. Failure sends the victim into a murderous rampage, attacking any living thing it can find until either the soulless victim falls, or midnight is reached, at which time the character will either partake in the final game of chance, or succeed in Surviving Midnight. If the character does succeed in surviving, they will come back in the next round as The Cursed One profession, negating all their previous attributed and modifiers in favor of the new ones.
  • Fist: 10' reach, damage: 3 + Strength
  • Bite: 5' Reach, damage: 3, Plus a Bleeding Effect from a serious wound that will continue until treated.


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