Jonny Lewis in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Jonny Lewis

Jonny Lewis, a lanky and unkempt man in his late 30s, is the town's eccentric conspiracy theorist in Midnight. He often wears a tattered trench coat covered in various pins and patches, claiming they are insignias of secret organizations. His unkempt hair and perpetually wild eyes give him an air of unpredictability. Jonny spends most of his days handing out self-printed pamphlets to anyone who will listen, spreading his outlandish theories about Midnight being ground zero for an impending otherworldly invasion. Despite being labeled as a lunatic by most of the townsfolk, Jonny's passion and conviction are unparalleled. He spends countless hours studying obscure texts and poring over conspiracy websites, trying to connect the dots and decipher hidden messages that he believes reveal the truth about Midnight's dark secrets. In his ramblings, Jonny speaks of ancient cults, alien visitations, and malevolent entities lurking just beyond the veil of reality. While many dismiss him as a crackpot, some residents can't help but wonder if there might be a grain of truth buried deep within Jonny's ramblings. His knowledge of Midnight's history and the occult is surprisingly extensive, even if wrapped in bizarre and convoluted theories. Some secretly seek him out for information, hoping that amidst the madness, he might hold a clue to the malevolent forces that haunt their town. Despite his peculiarities, Jonny's genuine concern for the town and its inhabitants shines through. He fervently believes that he is trying to save the people of Midnight from an imminent catastrophe, even if his methods and theories are unconventional. Beneath his eccentricity lies a man haunted by a sense of impending doom and the weight of the truth he believes he has discovered.      
Personal History
  Jonny Lewis, born and raised in Midnight, was always a peculiar child. From a young age, he was captivated by stories of aliens, secret societies, and unexplained phenomena. In his teenage years, Jonny started researching conspiracy theories and delving into ancient texts and occult knowledge. He became a regular at the small, run-down library in town, pouring over books on UFO sightings, government cover-ups, and paranormal occurrences. As he delved deeper into the mysteries of the world, he became increasingly convinced that Midnight was at the center of a grand cosmic conspiracy. Jonny's obsession with uncovering the truth led him to become estranged from his family and most of the townsfolk, who dismissed his theories as the ramblings of a madman. Undeterred, he dedicated his life to proving the existence of malevolent forces lurking in the shadows of Midnight. He printed countless pamphlets and fliers, distributing them to anyone who would listen, warning them of the impending otherworldly invasion he believed was coming. Over the years, Jonny's eccentricity and peculiar appearance earned him the nickname "Midnight's Prophet" among the locals, but it only fueled his determination to prove them wrong. He lived a reclusive life, shunning social interactions, and spending most of his time in the company of his conspiracy theories and research.      
  Jonny Lewis is a unique figure in the small, run-down town of Midnight. With a lean, wiry frame and an aura of enigmatic energy, he stands tall with a presence that demands attention. His tightly coiled, dark curls crown his head, and a well-maintained beard traces the contours of his face, giving him a distinctive and determined look. His attire reflects a mix of eclectic styles, combining worn-out band t-shirts with vibrant patterns and colors that tell a story of rebellion and mystery. A weathered trench coat adorned with mysterious symbols and enigmatic patches adds to his distinctive appearance. His bright, intelligent eyes, a striking shade of brown, gaze at the world with a mix of passion and urgency, as if he sees what others do not. He carries a well-used satchel slung over his shoulder, filled with notebooks and crumpled papers.
Current Location
His Cabin    
  • Age: 37
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Height: 5' 10"
  • Weight: 210

HP: 5

  • Body: 4
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 4
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 2
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 4
  • Grappling: 3
  • Melee: 4
  • Ranged: 3
  • Soak: 4
  • Dodge: 4
  • Paranoia Doesn't Mean Nobody is Watching You: Due to his eccentric nature and constant state of suspicion, Jonny has developed a heightened sense of awareness and vigilance. This ability allows him to notice even the subtlest signs of danger or hidden threats around him. Jonny's heightened perception grants him bonuses to detect ambushes, traps, or lurking enemies. His innate paranoia acts as a sixth sense, warning him of potential dangers and helping him stay one step ahead of the malevolent forces, granting a +2 to all rolls used in matters of observation or detection as long as Jonny. This is a constant ability, making Jonny a valuable ally if one can convince him that they are trustworthy. 
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

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