June Campbell in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

June Campbell

June Campbell is the enigmatic owner of an antique shop known as "Campbell's Curiosities." Nestled in a quiet corner of Midnight, her store holds an aura of mystery and intrigue. A sense of foreboding hangs in the air as visitors step inside, greeted by shelves filled with peculiar objects, each with its own dark history. Despite her youthful appearance, June exudes an ageless wisdom and an uncanny understanding of the supernatural. Her piercing eyes seem to see into the very souls of her customers, making them feel vulnerable and exposed in her presence. She wears her blonde hair tied in a hurried bun, with streaks of silver that hint at an ancient lineage. While June's shop attracts both the curious and the desperate, those seeking protection from the malevolent forces plaguing Midnight are her most frequent visitors. They come seeking enchanted trinkets, talismans, and relics, believing that the items will shield them from the terrors that lurk in the shadows, however, the price she demands is far from ordinary; it often involves personal sacrifices or promises that bind the soul.       
Personal History
  June Campbell's history is veiled in secrecy, and even in a town like Midnight, where rumors abound, little is known about her past. Some say she arrived in the town like a specter, seemingly appearing out of nowhere one foggy morning. Others claim that she's been a part of Midnight for generations, her family steeped in the occult and the supernatural. There are whispers of a tragic event in her past, something that changed her forever. Some believe she lost her family to the malevolent forces that plague Midnight, while others claim she made a pact with dark entities to gain her mysterious powers. Whatever the truth may be, it is clear that June has seen things that few could comprehend, and it has left an indelible mark on her soul.    
  June Campbell is a young adult woman with an otherworldly beauty that seems to draw people in like moths to a flame. She stands at an average height, her frame delicate yet carrying an air of hidden strength beneath the surface. Her complexion is an ethereal pale, as if she's touched by the moon's glow. Strands of blonde and silver hair adorn her head, grown long and kept tied up in a messy tangle. June's eyes are mesmerizing and ever-changing, like the shifting colors of a stormy sea. One moment they may be a deep, piercing blue, and the next, a haunting shade of green that seems to hold the secrets of the forest. There's an agelessness to her gaze, as if she's seen countless lifetimes and emerged unscathed.   Her attire is a curious mix of vintage elegance and bohemian charm. She often dons flowing, dark skirts adorned with intricate colors, and her fingers are often adorned with an assortment of rings, each with its own symbolic significance. And draped around her neck and kept hidden under her shirt, a pendant of an enigmatic sigil, said to have ancient protective powers. There's an aura of confidence and quiet authority around June, as if she knows more than she's willing to reveal. When she speaks, her voice is soft and soothing, yet it carries a weight of wisdom beyond her years.   Despite the allure of her appearance, there's an undeniable air of danger that surrounds June. It's in the way she moves, with a grace that's both captivating and unsettling. There's a sense that she's seen the darkness up close and knows how to navigate its treacherous waters, but for all the secrets and enigmas, there's a subtle vulnerability in her eyes, as if carrying the weight of the world's woes. It's clear that beneath the mystique lies a complex soul, haunted by a past she keeps well-guarded.
Current Location
Campbell's Curiosities     
  • Age: 32
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Blue/Green
  • Hair: Blonde/Silver
  • Height: 5' 7"
  • Weight: 100

HP: 5

  • Body: 4
  • Strength: 3
  • Agility: 5
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 3
  • Initiative: 4
  • Stealth: 3
  • Grappling: 1
  • Melee: 2
  • Ranged: 3
  • Soak: 4
  • Dodge: 4
  • Mystical Warding: June Campbell possesses the unique ability to create powerful mystical wards and protective spells. As the enigmatic owner of the antique shop, she can imbue objects with magical properties to safeguard those who seek her assistance. Players who approach June and seek her help can choose an object from her collection to be enchanted with a specific protective spell. The protective spells can vary depending on the object chosen, ranging from warding against malevolent spirits and dark entities to providing protection from physical harm or curses. The enchanted object will act as a charm or talisman for the player, granting them temporary resistance to certain types of supernatural threats in the form of the ability to reroll resistance checks against the specific thing the ward was crafted to protect against. June will inform the character she is dealing with, usually after the transaction is agreed upon, however, that there is a cost to invoking June's mystical warding. The player must offer something of personal value or significance as a form of payment for the enchantment. This could be a specific significant item, the betrayal of another individual, or even a promise to fulfill a future task on June's behalf. The sacrifice required is as individual as the player seeking her help, and the consequences of failing to fulfill the payment are severe, and will eventually lead to the character's demise. Moreover, the protective enchantments are not without limits. They have a time limit of two hours (one real world hour) and are designed for specific situations. Once the enchantment's time is up, the protective effects will fade, and the player will need to seek June's aid again or find alternative means of survival.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength

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