
Affected Stats:

  • +1 Body
  • +1 Stealth
  • -1 Sanity


      "Master of Shadows" Lethal Precision - The Killer is a master of stealth, assassination, and striking from the shadows. Once per session, the Killer can activate their ability:   Shadowy Mastery: The Killer's deadly skills and mastery of stealth come to the forefront. They gain a temporary boost to their Agility and Luck stats, reflecting their swift movements and precise strikes. For the next hour, the Killer gains a +2 bonus to Agility and Luck rolls. Additionally, the Killer's ability allows them to tap into their expertise in assassination, infiltration, and silent takedowns. They may roll their Agility+Luck+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for guidance or advantages related to stealthy maneuvers, assassination attempts, or avoiding detection. Their lethal precision can provide them with insights, tactical advantages, or opportunities to eliminate targets with swift and silent efficiency. Moreover, the Killer's expertise in covert operations grants them an advantage in moving silently, remaining hidden in shadows, or utilizing their surroundings for strategic advantages, however, the Killer's relentless pursuit of their deadly objectives may result in potential moral conflicts or difficulties in establishing trust with others. Their dark nature and reputation as an assassin may lead to a temporary -1 penalty to Sanity rolls.      


  • Hidden Blade: 5' reach, damage: 3+Agility
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Hidden Blade
  • Rope
  • Lockpicks
  • Black Gloves


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