
Affected Stats:

  • +1 Mind
  • +1 Dodge


  "Master of Arguments" Persuasive Advocate - The Lawyer is a skilled legal professional, adept at presenting compelling arguments and navigating the intricacies of the law. Once per session, the Lawyer can activate their ability:   Persuasive Rhetoric: The Lawyer's persuasive skills and legal expertise come to the forefront. They gain a temporary boost to their Mind and Luck stats, reflecting their ability to craft convincing arguments and maintain a strong presence in legal proceedings. For the next hour, the Lawyer gains a +2 bonus to Mind and Luck rolls. Additionally, the Lawyer's ability allows them to tap into their mastery of rhetoric to sway opinions, negotiate contracts, or navigate legal complexities. They may roll their Mind+Luck+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for guidance or advantages related to legal tasks, such as convincing others, cross-examining witnesses, or analyzing legal documents. Their persuasive rhetoric can provide them with insights, strategic advantages, or opportunities to influence outcomes in legal proceedings. Moreover, the Lawyer's analytical thinking and understanding of the law make them adept at spotting loopholes, identifying legal precedents, or formulating effective legal strategies. They have an advantage in tasks related to legal matters, researching case law, or uncovering hidden implications in legal documents, however, the Lawyer's intense focus on legal matters and the intricacies of the law may lead to potential difficulties in physical confrontations or situations requiring technical expertise outside their legal domain. Their strength lies in their persuasive abilities and legal knowledge rather than physical prowess or technical skills. As a result, they may suffer a temporary -1 penalty to Body rolls for physical challenges or Technical rolls unrelated to legal matters.    


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Briefcase
  • Law Book
  • Legal Documents
  • Business Card


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