
Affected Stats:

  • -1 Body
  • -1 Initiative
  • +2 Soak


  "Chillin' and Relaxin” - Serene Indifference - The Layabout has perfected the art of leisure and nonchalance, embracing a carefree lifestyle even in the face of adversity. Once per session, the Layabout can activate their ability:   Tranquil Respite: The Layabout's relaxed demeanor and indifference to the chaos around them come to the forefront. They gain a temporary boost to their Luck and Soak skills, allowing them to maintain their composure and endure physical hardships with ease. For the next hour, the Layabout gains a +2 bonus to Luck and Soak rolls. Additionally, the Layabout's ability grants them an uncanny ability to remain calm and unfazed in stressful situations. They may roll their Luck+Soak+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for advice or advantages related to maintaining a nonchalant attitude, deflecting attention, or deterring potential threats. This serene disposition can help them avoid unnecessary conflicts or draw attention away from themselves, however, the Layabout's laid-back nature and disinterest in taking initiative have their downsides. While activating their ability, the Layabout suffers a temporary -1 penalty to their Mind stat, reflecting their lack of focus and motivation. Their apathetic approach may hinder their problem-solving abilities or decision-making processes, putting them at a disadvantage in intellectual or analytical tasks.    


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Inflatable Chair
  • Snacks
  • Remote Control
  • Laptop (No external connection)


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