Lula Mae Simmons in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Lula Mae Simmons

Lula Mae Simmons is an enigmatic elderly woman who resides in Midnight. With her frail form and silvery hair, she exudes an aura of both fragility and mystique. Lula Mae's dark and piercing eyes seem to hold secrets from ages past, making her odd, seemingly forced smile all the more disturbing. She is often seen wearing flowing, faded dresses adorned with lace, giving her an almost ghostly appearance. Lula Mae's most unnerving trait is her collection of eerie dolls. They line the shelves and corners of her humble abode, their life-like eyes seemingly following visitors as they move. Each doll possesses its own unique features, but they all share a hauntingly lifelike quality that seems a little too real at times. Some townsfolk swear they have seen the dolls move on their own, their little porcelain hands shifting ever so slightly.   Despite her unsettling demeanor, Lula Mae's presence in Midnight is a well-known and tolerated one. She is a reclusive figure, rarely venturing beyond her home. Those who dare to enter Lula Mae's home often experience an overwhelming sense of being watched and judged by the glassy eyes of the dolls. Some even claim to hear whispered voices emanating from the meticulously crafted figures.      
Personal History
  Lula Mae Simmons was born on a stormy night in Midnight, and from an early age, she exhibited an uncanny affinity for the supernatural and the unknown. As a child, she was drawn to stories of spirits and folklore, spending her days exploring the dense woods surrounding the town, listening to the whispers of the wind and the rustling of leaves. Her parents, devout members of the local church, were concerned about Lula Mae's fascination with the occult and tried to steer her towards more conventional pursuits, but her connection with the mystical world only grew stronger as she grew older. Lula Mae often claimed to see spirits and hear voices, which only deepened her reputation as an eccentric in the close-knit community. As she reached her teenage years, Lula Mae's fascination with spirits turned into a passion for creating dolls that she believed held a special connection to the souls of the departed. She spent hours crafting each doll meticulously, pouring her heart and soul into every delicate stitch.   As the years went by, Lula Mae's collection of eerie dolls grew, and so did her reputation.   Over the years, Lula Mae has become a fixture in the town, an enigmatic figure who roams the streets with her unsettling dolls and continues her solitary existence, through it all, Lula Mae remains undeterred, steadfastly tending to her dolls. The true extent of her powers and her connection to the supernatural remains a closely guarded secret, known only to Lula Mae and the spirits she claims to commune with. In the ever-darkening nights of Midnight, she roams the shadows, an eerie presence that adds to the town's haunted lore and the unshakeable feeling that something otherworldly is at play in the Mississippi Delta.      
Lula Mae Simmons is a slight and delicate figure, her age-weathered face adorned with deep lines that tell the story of a long and mysterious life. Her eyes are piercing and enigmatic, like orbs that hold the secrets of ancient knowledge. She has a wide, unsettling smile that seems to linger on her lips, leaving an eerie impression on those who meet her. Lula Mae's thin, silver-white hair cascades down her back like a shimmering waterfall, often adorned with intricate braids and tied with tattered ribbons. Her face, etched with lines of wisdom and mystery, wears a perpetual enigmatic smile that never quite reaches her eyes. She dresses in layers of faded and worn fabrics, each piece adorned with an array of charms, feathers, and small trinkets, but perhaps the most chilling aspect of Lula Mae's appearance is the collection of eerie dolls she carries with her wherever she goes. The dolls, each handcrafted with incredible attention to detail, have lifelike eyes that seem to follow you wherever you move. Their expression is frozen in an unsettling blend of innocence and malevolence, further deepening the sense of unease that lingers in their presence.
Current Location
In and around her home in Midnight township.    
  • Age: 72
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black/Grey
  • Height: 5' 5"
  • Weight: 192

HP: 6

  • Body: 2
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 4
  • Mind: 5
  • Luck Points: 3
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 5
  • Grappling: 3
  • Melee: 1
  • Ranged: 2
  • Soak: 3
  • Dodge: 3
  • Soul Binding Dolls: When facing an unsuspecting victim, Lula Mae can choose a target and employ her intricate and otherworldly rituals to perform the soul-binding process. Once the ritual is complete, the captured soul is infused into the doll, leaving the person weakened and vulnerable. The bound souls within the dolls grant Lula Mae significant influence over her victims. She can use the souls to extract information, manipulate emotions, or even control their actions from a distance. This ability gives her an unsettling hold over those whose souls she has ensnared. While their ritual takes at least a minute and Lula Mae must remain in sight of her intended target, the ritual itself appears to be little more than an awkward conversation. The target may attempt to make a Mind + Luck + 1d6 roll to determine that Lula Mae is attempting something malignant and attempt to stop her or flee, but if they do not, the enchantment is a (13 to 14) Daunting Difficulty Paralysis Effect, leaving the victim is a stupor in which they will hear and obey Lula Mae's verbal commands. Should the victim's body perish while in this state, their soul will remain trapped within the doll, and Lula Mae will add one more creation to her collection.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

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