Marine Biologist

Affected Stats:

  • +1 Mind
  • +1 Stealth


    "Exploring the Bayou" Bayou Naturalist - The Marine Biologist is an expert in the study of the diverse ecosystems of the swampy bayou area in northern Mississippi. Once per session, the Marine Biologist can activate their ability:   Bayou Insight: The Marine Biologist's deep connection with the bayou and their expertise in the local flora and fauna come to the forefront. They gain a temporary boost to their Mind and Agility stats, reflecting their keen observation skills and adaptability in the swampy environment. For the next hour, the Marine Biologist gains a +2 bonus to Mind and Agility rolls. Additionally, the Marine Biologist's ability allows them to tap into their knowledge of bayou ecosystems, native species, and swampy phenomena to gain insights, discover hidden secrets of the bayou, or understand the behavior of its creatures. They may roll their Mind+Agility+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for guidance or advantages related to tasks involving bayou exploration, wildlife observation, or interactions with swamp-dwelling creatures. Their bayou insight can provide them with valuable information, strategic advantages, or opportunities to navigate the challenges of the swamp or uncover its mysterious secrets. Moreover, the Marine Biologist's expertise in bayou conservation, wilderness survival, and navigating swampy terrains make them adept at identifying local species, assessing the swamp's ecological balance, or providing aid in encounters with bayou creatures. They have an advantage in tasks related to bayou exploration, identifying native plants and animals, or deciphering the signs and clues of the swamp, however, the Marine Biologist's relentless pursuit of understanding the bayou may lead them into dangerous situations or put them at odds with elusive creatures or supernatural forces tied to the swamp. Their dedication to exploring the bayou's secrets may result in potential difficulties in non-swamp-related challenges or situations requiring skills unrelated to the local environment. As a result, they may suffer a temporary -1 penalty to Body rolls for physical challenges or Strength rolls unrelated to water-related tasks.    


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Dive Suit
  • Underwater Camera
  • Seashell Collection
  • Research Journal
Research / Scientific


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