Morgan Funeral Home Building / Landmark in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Morgan Funeral Home

The Morgan Funeral Home stands as a solemn sentinel at the heart of Midnight, a stark reminder of life's fleeting nature and the ever-present specter of death. Its weathered facade speaks of years gone by, the once vibrant paint now faded and chipped, and the stone steps leading to the entrance show signs of age and wear. The dark, heavy drapes drawn over the windows lend an air of somberness to the building, hinting at the mysteries that lie within. Inside, the air is heavy with the scent of old wood and polished brass. The dim lighting casts long shadows across the well-maintained parquet floors, creating an atmosphere of hushed reverence. Hank Morgan's office, tucked away in a corner, is a testament to his dual roles as both mortician and caretaker. Shelves filled with dusty records line the walls, chronicling the names and dates of those who have passed through the town's doors. Antique furnishings lend an air of solemn dignity to the space, as well as a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era. The funeral parlor, a large and open room, is adorned with tasteful decor and comforting undertones of solace. The soft glow of candlelight flickers, casting a gentle radiance over the room and creating a calming ambiance. Rows of polished wooden pews line up neatly, providing a place for grieving loved ones to find comfort and solace during their final farewells. The caskets, crafted with great care, are displayed with reverence and grace, offering a quiet reminder of the fragility of life. Beyond the funeral parlor lies the chapel of rest, a serene and peaceful space where the deceased are prepared for their final journey. Hank's meticulous approach to his work is evident here, as each body is attended to with unwavering respect and dignity. The gentle hum of refrigeration units creates a backdrop of serenity, preserving the bodies until the appointed time of farewell.   The Morgan Funeral Home's intimate connection to the long-abandoned cemetery adds an air of mystery to the establishment. Hank's responsibilities extend beyond the confines of the building, as he takes it upon himself to care for the gravesites of the deceased. The cemetery, an overgrown and forgotten space, holds the remains of generations past, their tombstones weathered and nearly consumed by the encroaching wilderness. Hank's dedication to this solemn duty speaks of his unyielding commitment to both the living and the dead.


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