
Affected Stats:

  • +1 Body
  • +1 Sanity


        "Nurturer and Protector" Guardian Instinct - The Parent is driven by an unwavering love and dedication to protect their loved ones. Once per session, the Parent can activate their ability:   Guardian Shield: The Parent's innate nurturing and protective instincts come to the forefront. They gain a temporary boost to their Body and Luck stats, reflecting their physical resilience and unwavering determination to keep their loved ones safe. For the next hour, the Parent gains a +2 bonus to Body and Luck rolls. Additionally, the Parent's ability allows them to tap into their protective instincts to shield others from harm and provide emotional support. They may roll their Body+Luck+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for guidance or advantages related to tasks involving protection, caregiving, or providing emotional comfort. Their selfless dedication can grant them insights, defensive strategies, or the ability to provide encouragement and calm in stressful situations. Moreover, the Parent's unconditional love and empathy make them skilled at diffusing conflicts and understanding the needs of others. They have an advantage in resolving disputes, calming tense situations, or perceiving the emotional states of those around them, however, the Parent's overwhelming desire to protect their loved ones may make them vulnerable to emotional distress or impair their judgment when their loved ones are in danger. While activating their ability, the Parent suffers a temporary -1 penalty to their Sanity stat, reflecting the strain of their protective instincts and the potential emotional toll of facing threats to their family or loved ones.      


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Diaper Bag
  • Baby Blanket
  • Stuffed Animal
  • Family Photo
Forced Labour


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