Pastor John Lyman Fairhope in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Pastor John Lyman Fairhope

Pastor John Fairhope, a once proud and respected man of faith, now carries the weight of an unspeakable tragedy that shattered his world. The former director of the Calvary Baptist Children's Choir, he witnessed the horrifying accident that claimed the lives of the young singers under his tutelage. Wracked with guilt and haunted by their specters, Pastor John now dwells in the dilapidated remains of his church, lost in a haze of sorrow and madness. His once vibrant spirit is now consumed by an unyielding faith, both a source of strength and a burden as he struggles to protect himself from malevolent entities and cope with the endless torment inflicted by the ghostly choir.    

Personal History

  Pastor John Fairhope was once a beacon of hope and inspiration in the small town of Midnight. Born and raised in the Delta region, he had always been drawn to the comforting embrace of religion and spirituality. As a young man, he pursued his passion for music and ministry, eventually becoming the beloved pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in 1984. With a warm smile and a kind heart, Pastor John had a special way of connecting with the community. He was not only a dedicated spiritual leader but also an accomplished musician. Under his guidance, the Calvary Baptist Children's Choir flourished, becoming a source of pride for the town and winning accolades in various competitions.   When tragedy struck one fateful evening during a powerful thunderstorm in 1986, on the night before a prestigious choir competition, a horrific accident occurred during a choir rehearsal. The old roof of the church, weakened by years of decay, gave way under the weight of rain-soaked debris, causing a section of the ceiling to collapse. Several young members of the choir were fatally injured, including the soloist whose voice Pastor John cherished most. Guilt and grief consumed Pastor John, blaming himself for not ensuring the safety of the children he loved and nurtured. The horrifying accident shattered his spirit, and he descended into a downward spiral of despair and anguish. As the years passed, he became reclusive, sealing the church off from the outside world, as if to protect it from further harm.   Haunted by the memories of that tragic night, Pastor John turned to alcohol to numb the pain. He began to hear the ghostly voices of the choir he lost, their angelic songs twisted into haunting laments of his perceived failure. Consumed by guilt and tormented by the spectral choir's relentless presence, he lost touch with reality, wandering the crumbling church day and night. The once joyful and charismatic pastor had become a broken man, the weight of his past too heavy to bear. Now, Pastor John's existence is a haunting echo of what he once was, a man trapped between the realms of the living and the dead, tormented by his ghosts and the spectral choir he can never escape.      
  John is a bedraggled and disheveled old pastor, unshaven, dirty, miserable and grim. His countenance is old and haggard, with many lines that crease his face, with unkempt hair and full beard, all of it stark white. His eyes are sunken and colorless grey in color, and bloodshot from drinking most of the time, a factor which also causes him to smell of soured, cheap whiskey and musty air. He slurs his words often, and speaks in a rambling mumble unless he is presented with something that will spark his interest.   John still carries a worn bible with him everywhere, and still insists on wearing his coat and tie, though they are ragged, faded, and dirty.
Current Location
Calvary Baptist Church    
  • Age: 62
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Grey
  • Hair: White
  • Height: 5' 10"
  • Weight: 180

HP: 3

  • Body: 2
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 2
  • Mind: 4
  • Luck Points: 1
  • Initiative: 2
  • Stealth: 2
  • Grappling: 1
  • Melee: 2
  • Ranged: 1
  • Soak: 3
  • Dodge: 2
  • Unyielding Faith: Pastor John's unwavering belief and connection to his faith grant him a unique ability to resist malevolent forces and protect himself from harm. This ability serves as a testament to his devotion, allowing him to tap into an inner strength that stems from the core of his religious convictions. When activated, Unyielding Faith envelops Pastor John in a protective aura, making him temporarily impervious to physical and supernatural attacks. This ability can be triggered in moments of great distress or when he faces direct threats to his life or well-being. The Unyielding Faith ability remains active for a limited time, typically lasting for a short burst of heightened protection. Its duration is directly proportional to Pastor John's emotional and spiritual fortitude, which may vary depending on the circumstances. As a result of his tragic past, the Unyielding Faith ability can be mentally and emotionally taxing for Pastor John. Activating it requires him to confront the painful memories of the choir's accident and relive the guilt that has haunted him for years. Consequently, he may be hesitant to rely on this ability unless absolutely necessary. After utilizing Unyielding Faith, Pastor John needs time to recuperate and regain his emotional balance. The recharge time is directly tied to his state of mind, meaning it may vary from encounter to encounter, ranging from minutes to hours. Unyielding Faith can be triggered by intense moments of danger, desperation, or situations where Pastor John feels compelled to defend himself or others from malevolent entities. The ability is directly tied to his unwavering faith, so its activation requires a genuine connection to his spiritual beliefs. When Unyielding Faith is activated, it momentarily dispels the spectral choir's influence and silences their haunting voices, creating a brief respite from their tormenting presence, however, the spectral choir remains inexorably tied to Pastor John's guilt and will inevitably return once the ability's effects wear off.
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength


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