Patty Wallace in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Patty Wallace

Patty Wallace is a young pharmacist, known for her enigmatic personality and the mysterious concoctions she creates in her small apothecary shop, located on the outskirts of Midnight. Physically, Patty possesses a captivating aura that draws people in. Her warm, almond-shaped eyes hold a hint of ancient wisdom, while her smooth, rich skin reflects her deep connection to her cultural heritage.    Patty's shop is filled with shelves of glass bottles containing various herbs, roots, and unknown substances. The air is heavy with the scent of dried herbs and incense, invoking a sense of both comfort and unease. Her potions and concoctions are renowned in the town, sought after by those desperate for healing or seeking protection against the dark forces that plague Midnight. Some believe that Patty's remedies hold potent magical properties, capable of warding off malevolence or granting unique abilities, however, others fear that meddling with such ancient and powerful ingredients could attract even darker entities into their lives. Patty's knowledge of herbalism and ancient traditions is vast, passed down through generations of her family. She's well-versed in the folklore of her ancestors and has acquired knowledge from rare texts and hidden sources over the years. As a result, she possesses a deep understanding of the supernatural forces that lurk in Midnight and the delicate balance between light and darkness.   Though she might appear mysterious and aloof, Patty genuinely cares for the well-being of those who come seeking her aid, however, she is selective about whom she chooses to help, as she understands the potential consequences of meddling with the occult. She often demands a price for her remedies, which can range from a personal item to a favor or promise from the seeker.      
Personal History
  Patty Wallace was born and raised in Midnight. Her family lineage can be traced back to generations of skilled herbalists and healers, each passing down ancient knowledge of the natural world and the mystical arts. From a young age, Patty was drawn to the secrets of the land, spending her days wandering through the dense forests and exploring the marshy wilderness that surrounded her home. Her grandmother, a wise woman known for her mystical abilities, recognized the unique gifts that Patty possessed. Under her grandmother's tutelage, Patty learned the art of herbalism, discovering the potent properties of plants and the intricate dance between nature and the supernatural. As the years passed, she grew into her role as the town's pharmacist, taking over her family's apothecary shop with grace and poise, but it wasn't just medicinal herbs and conventional remedies that Patty dealt with. Her inquisitive nature and thirst for hidden knowledge led her to delve deeper into the realm of the occult and ancient mysticism. She delved into dusty tomes and grimoires that had been passed down through the generations, seeking arcane secrets that most would shy away from.  The line between light and darkness was a thin one, and Patty understood the potential dangers of tampering with the occult forces that lurked in the shadows. She was careful about who she aided, knowing that meddling with the unknown could come with unforeseen consequences. As a result, she often demanded a price for her services, not merely for profit but to ensure that those seeking her aid took their actions seriously.      
  Patty Wallace is a young African American woman with an aura of mystery that seems to be woven into her very being. Her eyes, like dark pools of ancient wisdom, carry a serene gaze that betrays the depths of her knowledge. Framed by delicate wire-frame glasses with antique charm, her eyes seem to hold secrets that only a chosen few can glimpse. Her hair, a crown of loosely coiled curls, is left to its natural state, cascading like an ebony waterfall around her shoulders. She keeps it brushed back from her face, a touch of wildness to her otherwise composed appearance. She is often seen wearing an old and faded lab coat, a relic from her family's legacy of herbalism and mysticism. Beneath the coat, she dons earth-toned attire, a nod to her connection with nature and the elements. Her hands, slender and graceful, move with a deliberate grace as she crafts her potions and remedies. Her fingers seem to possess a touch of magic, as they effortlessly mix ingredients, each gesture guided by intuition and experience. Despite her young age, Patty's demeanor exudes a sense of calm and poise that transcends time. She carries herself with an air of quiet confidence, her every step hinting at the ancient lineage of healers and wise women that came before her.
Current Location
Wallace Apothecary    
  • Age: 29
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Height: 5' 10"
  • Weight: 180

HP: 4

  • Body: 4
  • Strength: 3
  • Agility: 5
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 3
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 4
  • Grappling: 1
  • Melee: 3
  • Ranged: 1
  • Soak: 4
  • Dodge: 4
  • Mystic Brew: Using her knowledge of herbalism and alchemy, Patty can create a range of mystical potions that grant temporary boosts of 1 point to the characters' abilities for one (Real World) hour. These elixirs might enhance their physical strength, improve their mental acuity, bolster their resistance to harmful effects, or even grant limited protection against supernatural entities. To create these potent brews, Patty must gather rare and exotic ingredients found in the haunted woods surrounding Midnight or uncover hidden herbs with mysterious properties, so she does not dole these out lightly. Characters can seek out her services at her apothecary, where they might exchange valuable items or complete tasks to acquire her unique concoctions, however, the power of these mystical potions comes with a price. Patty's brews are not without risk, and using them may attract the attention of malevolent forces or have unforeseen consequences. For every concoction imbibed, the player using them must roll a 1d6. On a roll of 1 or 2, their use of these concoctions alerts the closest otherworldly entity of their presence, causing it to stalk the character until the effects wear off, the character escapes, or perishes. Characters must decide if the benefits outweigh the potential dangers and choose wisely when deciding to imbibe her mystic brews. 
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength

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