
Affected Stats:

  • -1 Body
  • +1 Mind


  "The Show Must Go On" Captivating Performance - The Performer possesses a captivating stage presence and the ability to enthrall audiences, even in the face of unimaginable horrors. Once per session, the Performer can activate their ability:   Dazzling Act: The Performer's natural charisma and showmanship take center stage. They gain a temporary boost to their Luck, allowing them to captivate others and command attention. For the next hour, the Performer gains a +2 bonus to Luck. Additionally, the Performer's ability enables them to utilize their performance skills in unexpected ways. They may roll their Luck+1d6 and consult with the Game Master (GM) for advice or advantages related to social interactions, diversion tactics, or disarming tense situations through their entertaining presence. Their ability to charm and distract can grant them unique opportunities or sway the attitudes of others. The Performer's reliance on their stage persona and desire to entertain comes at a cost, while activating their ability, the Performer suffers a temporary -1 penalty to their Body stat, reflecting their lack of physical conditioning or combat training. Their focus on performance may put them at a disadvantage in direct confrontations or physically demanding tasks, also, the Performer's constant need for attention and the spotlight may strain their relationships with others. Their dramatic flair and self-centered nature can create challenges in forming deep emotional connections or demonstrating empathy. The Performer may face difficulties in truly understanding the fears and concerns of those around them, resulting in a temporary -1 penalty to Mind rolls related to empathy or understanding.   


  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Costume Bag
  • Makeup Kit
  • Microphone/Musical Instrument
  • Small Prop Item


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