Scavenging in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil


Survival is being able to make the most use out of whatever is at hand, and with that in mind, scavenging through the town and surrounding area is going to be a big benefit to any industrious character. There are a lot of things that the former and current residents have left lying around, and of course, the former would be survivors that never made it home as well. As a GM this is an excellent opportunity to build suspense and hope, as well as to pull the rug out from under a character too. Don't be afraid to build up the moment when they find something only to have it turn out to be something mundane...but also, don't let them forget that even mundane items have their uses, and one never knows what could come in handy in Midnight!   Since there is always the presence of a ticking clock, searching is a delicate balance, as the act itself will be a role play rather than just a straight dice roll, and should be used to take up a realistic amount of time. Rather than the player simply searching a room, they will need to select parts of the room, furnishings, closets, etc. or go into further detail such as saying they are tearing up floor boards or putting holes in walls. All of these actions can have consequences as well, as noise and property destruction can cause more than a little unrest with both the locals and the denizens of Midnight as well.   Once the role play has been played out, searching involves a Mind+Luck+1d6 Roll to determine how generous or not the fates have been in their efforts. As always, Luck points can be spent to boost the odds in a player's favor. The tables below can be used to determine what is found. The initial roll determines the success factors as listed here:    
Number Rolled Table Used
3-6 What Did I Stick My Hand In?!
7-10 Mundane Stuff and Junk
11-14 Useful Things
15-18 Is That a Choir of Angels I Hear?!

What Did I Stick My Hand In?!

The items on this table represent failure, but at least they found something! Many of these will damage the character in a small way, usually no more than a point, but there are a few that will do more or have lingering or moderately crippling effects.    

Mundane Stuff and Junk

  One man's trash is another man's treasure, and within this listing you'll find just that. Fairly common items, but in the right hands and with a little imagination, they could change the fate of the character that finds them.   

Useful Things

  A smashing success, the items on this table are all incredibly useful tools and items that will give a character an edge in many cases.  

Is That a Choir of Angels I Hear?!

  This is the highest success possible, and will grant the player a tremendous boon, such as a weapon, ammunition, or even an item of power. Nothing on this list should be taken for granted.


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