The Difficulty System in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

The Difficulty System

In Surviving Midnight, the difficulty of tasks, hardships, obstacles, or skill use is determined by the following system:    

Step 1: Define the Nature of the Task

As the Game Master, start by defining the nature of the task or obstacle the player is attempting to overcome. Is it a physical challenge, a mental puzzle, or a combat encounter? This will help you decide which stat and skill are most relevant to the task.  

Step 2: Identify Relevant Stat and Skill

Refer to the list of stats and skills provided in the game manual. Choose the stat and skill that best fit the nature of the task. For example, if the task involves climbing a wall, you may choose Agility (Climbing) as the relevant stat. Skills are very combat oriented, and will seldom come into play in an attempt to do something outside of combat with the exception of Stealth. While in some cases, two stats will be combined if the situation calls for it, such as Mind and Agility for picking a lock, or Strength and Body for lifting and moving a large, heavy object. When a secondary stat is not applicable to the situation, Luck will always be used as the second Stat, making it one of the most often used and important Stats in the game, but since a player can spend points from this score to adjust rolls, this stat can also be the most fleeting.  

Step 3: Determine the Base Difficulty

  • 2 or lower: Very Easy - The task is a simple feat and should succeed with minimal effort and does not require a roll.
  • 3 to 4: Easy - The task is straightforward and should succeed for most characters.
  • 5 to 6: Moderate - The task presents a reasonable challenge and requires some effort to succeed.
  • 7 to 8: Challenging - The task is difficult and may require specific skills or strategies to overcome.
  • 9 to 10: Hard - The task is quite challenging and will test the character's abilities.
  • 11 to 12: Very Hard - The task is extremely difficult and may only be achievable with significant luck or cleverness.
  • 13 to 14: Daunting - This task is beyond the scope of the average person’s ability, and only the most able bodies, skilled, or lucky have even a chance of succeeding.
  • 15 to 16: Impossible - This task is above and beyond what is possible in the realm of human understanding, but even the impossible can be achieved…sometimes.
  • 17 to 18: Unimaginable - Most people would not even thing of attempting this level of task, taking one look at the odds and immediately determining it as so difficult it should not even be attempted.

Step 4: Apply Modifiers

Take into account any relevant modifiers that might affect the task's difficulty. These modifiers can come from various sources, such as the character's occupation, environmental conditions, or the presence of allies or enemies. Positive modifiers make the task easier, while negative modifiers increase the difficulty.  

Step 5: Roll the Dice

The player attempting the task will roll a six-sided dice (1d6) and add the value of the relevant stat and/or skill to the result. Additionally, any applicable positive or negative modifiers are added or subtracted from the total. The goal is to meet or exceed the base difficulty rating set in Step 3.  

Step 6: Determine Outcome

Based on the dice roll result, compare it to the base difficulty rating. The outcome of the task is determined as follows:   If the total result is equal to or higher than the base difficulty, the task is successful, and the character achieves the desired outcome.   If the total result is lower than the base difficulty, the task fails, and the character does not achieve the desired outcome. The Game Master may describe what happens as a result of the failure and potentially introduce new challenges or consequences.

Using Luck Points

  Players have luck points that can be spent to influence rolls. They can use as many luck points as they want on a single roll. Luck points may be spent before or after the dice roll to increase the total result, however, players should be cautious with their luck points, as they are also the only means of getting back up when incapacitated.
Adjusting Difficulty for Specific Situations   As the Game Master, you have the flexibility to adjust the base difficulty and modifiers based on the specific situation, the narrative, and the characters' actions. For particularly creative or clever solutions, you may consider lowering the difficulty, while risky or unprepared actions might warrant an increase in difficulty.   Remember that Surviving Midnight is a game of constant danger and limited resources, and the difficulty system should reflect the challenges and horrors the players face in their desperate struggle to survive until midnight. Use this system to create engaging and immersive gameplay, challenging the players while rewarding their cleverness and ingenuity.


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