The Junction Building / Landmark in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

The Junction

The Junction, a tiny old dive bar in Midnight, stands as a remnant of a bygone era. Once a bustling speakeasy during the Prohibition era, the building has weathered the passage of time, its worn brick walls bearing witness to the town's many secrets. The bar's weathered sign, flickering with dim lights, marks the entrance to a world where time seems to have stood still. Inside, the atmosphere is steeped in nostalgia, with faded photographs and memorabilia lining the walls, each one a glimpse into the bar's storied past. The dim lighting casts a warm glow, creating a sense of intimacy among the few patrons who venture inside. The scent of aged wood and stale beer lingers in the air, a testament to decades of laughter, camaraderie, and heartache that have unfolded within its walls.   The Junction's bar counter, scarred from years of use, stretches along one side of the room. The shelves behind it are adorned with an assortment of liquor bottles, each one telling a story of its own. David Sanders, father of Jessica Sanders, takes on the role of a casual but loose barkeeper. Though he manages the place, he knows better than to remain in Midnight after dark, leaving a spare key with Rick Anderson in the evenings. The decision to entrust the key to Rick is both practical and strategic. Rick, a former police officer and a regular customer with a drinking problem who always pays his tab, provides an added sense of security to the bar and a running tab after hours, a win-win situation for David. Rick has become a fixture in The Junction. He can often be found sitting at the bar, nursing a drink, lost in the depths of his troubled past, leaving him grappling with deep paranoia and mistrust. The bar serves as both a haven and a burden for Rick. It offers him a semblance of normalcy and a place to temporarily escape the haunting memories that plague him, however, it also amplifies his emotional instability, as the alcohol becomes both a crutch and a catalyst for his unpredictable behavior.


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