The White Estate Building / Landmark in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

The White Estate

The White Estate, a foreboding and secluded place, lies on the outskirts of Midnight. As the townsfolk speak of Mary White, an enigmatic recluse, the estate itself carries an air of mystery and uncertainty. The old mansion stands tall, its once-grand facade now weathered by the passage of time and the weight of secrets it holds. The paint has faded, and the windows are draped with tattered curtains that dance with the wind, as if beckoning the curious to venture closer.   The estate's grounds are overgrown with wild foliage and gnarled trees, adding to the aura of desolation and seclusion. The crooked wrought-iron gates, now rusted with age, creak ominously as they swing open, inviting or warning those who dare to enter. The path to the mansion is overgrown with weeds and vines, hinting at the isolation that Mary prefers.   Inside, the mansion is a labyrinth of dimly lit hallways and dusty rooms. The air is thick with the scent of ancient books and herbs, an unsettling mixture that adds to the eerie atmosphere. The walls are adorned with peculiar paintings and peculiar artifacts, each one a remnant of Mary's esoteric interests and strange collections. The mansion's most unsettling room is Mary's study, where she delves into the mysteries of the occult and the supernatural. The room is filled with shelves upon shelves of strange objects, some cursed, others rumored to possess otherworldly powers. Her desk is littered with old tomes and parchments, written in archaic languages and filled with cryptic symbols. Candles flicker with an ethereal glow, casting dancing shadows on the walls, and the air is thick with the scent of incense, adding to the eerie ambiance.


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