
Affected Stats:

  • +1 Agility
  • +1 Stealth


  “Oooo, shiny!” Keen Eye for Loot - The Thief has an uncanny ability to spot valuable items and secure them with nimble fingers. Once per session, the Thief can activate their ability:   Loot Hunter: The Thief's senses become finely attuned to hidden treasures and valuable objects within their surroundings. They gain a temporary boost to their Perception skill, allowing them to detect valuable items that may be hidden or overlooked by others. For the next hour, the Thief gains a +2 bonus to checks related to finding and identifying valuable loot or hidden compartments. Additionally, when the Thief successfully discovers a valuable item or uncovers a hidden cache, they can choose to pilfer it without triggering any traps or alarms that might be attached to it. Their nimble fingers and instinctive knowledge of locks and traps grant them a higher chance of successfully bypassing any security measures, however, the Thief's obsession with acquiring valuable items and their relentless pursuit of loot comes at a price. This single-minded focus on material gains can negatively affect their standing with the powers that be. The Thief suffers a temporary -1 penalty to Luck for every item found using this ability, reflecting their single-minded pursuit of personal gain.  


  • Pocket Knife: 5' reach, damage 2+Strength
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1+Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2+Strength



  • Black clothes
  • Mask (style optional)
  • Pocket knife
  • Thieves' tool pouch (Includes lock picks, wedge tool, lockout bar, pack of gum, and small spray bottle filled with water)


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