Thomas's House Building / Landmark in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Thomas's House

Thomas Caldwell's home stands on the outskirts of Midnight, a solitary and ramshackle structure that reflects the man himself. The old house has seen better days, as have the few outlying sheds and a workshop that have fallen into disrepair by the relentless passage of time. The wooden planks creak with every step, a haunting echo of the ghosts that linger within the walls. Ivy clings to the sides of the house, as if trying to reclaim it from the hands of decay. The front yard is overgrown with wild grass and weeds, a testament to Thomas's seclusion from the world around him. The path to the front door is worn, yet it bears the marks of someone who still maintains a sense of order amidst the chaos. A small American flag flutters by the entrance, a nod to his military background, a symbol of the pride he still carries despite the scars.   Inside, the house exudes a sense of melancholy, with darkened corners and dusty rooms that hold memories of a past that refuses to fade. The air is heavy with the scent of old leather and the lingering essence of gunpowder, a reminder of the soldier that once resided here. The walls are adorned with faded photographs of comrades in arms, capturing moments of camaraderie and loss. The living room is sparsely furnished, yet each item holds a profound meaning to Thomas. A worn-out armchair sits by the fireplace, a place where he often finds solace, staring into the crackling flames as if seeking answers. A shelf displays a few cherished trinkets, reminders of the life he left behind. The kitchen, though modest, is kept neat and tidy. The wooden dining table bears the marks of countless meals shared alone, but it also reflects the discipline and routine Thomas still clings to amidst the chaos that haunts him. A few cookbooks rest on a shelf, evidence of his simple pleasures and the routine he maintains to find a semblance of normalcy. The bedroom is a sanctuary of memories and pain. A tattered quilt covers the bed, its faded colors reflecting the passage of time. A simple nightstand holds a photograph of a loved one lost long ago, a reminder of the sacrifices he made and the ghosts that still haunt his dreams.


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