Waking Up in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Waking Up

The game begins with the same scenario for every character, though each a unique location within the area of Midnight. Each location presents its own challenges and benefits, depending on how the player decides to handle the situation. This location is chosen at random, once again to keep an even playing field and to keep the players guessing and on their toes. For this reason the Game Master should always keep this roll secret from the player, giving them no lead time to prepare.   What the player finds at these locations is entirely up to the Game Master hosting that player, as the intended set up is that the game consists of 3-6 players, each with a Game Master hosting their experience during their stay in Midnight. It is important to keep the players isolated from one another in order to avoid giving one an unfair edge over another, though they can interact should they stumble across one another, and those interactions are entirely up to them, though each player should understand that only one character can survive the night, so these alliances will often end in betrayal. The Game Master remain in communication with one another via a messaging service on their PC, mobile device, or any other media that they have access too. Through this, they each remain abreast of the movements of the other parties in Midnight, and can facilitate their own player's experience to reflect the interactions, movements, and changes that occur in the world, creating a multi-faceted, organic world for them to game in. Below is the table by with you can determine that starting location on a 2d6 roll.    
It is important to convey to players the disorientation of waking up where they do. while they are more than welcome to determine within the story of the character they are playing a history and personality, no one remembers how they got to Midnight, and there are no clues anywhere nearby that would answer that question. While they are general uninjured, most are disheveled and slightly groggy, as if waking up from a long night of drinking. This disorientation and unfamiliarity can be a great way to set the stage and begin their challenges with a bang. Depending on where they end up, there could be immediate danger, and it is not impossible for them to awaken near another player, either by rolling the same location, or by ending up at two or more of the locations that are in close proximity to one another. This remains yet another part of the challenge of the game, though Game Masters should encourage players to role play the disorientation as well as being unsure what to do in their situation. While there are certainly causes and even professions that might immediately start trying to go for blood, even they will most likely be intelligent enough to want to see what is going on and find out where they are before that happens.   
  The locals in any given location have seen this all before, and will make great effort, especially in the beginning to avoid contact with the survivors, seeing them as doomed or cursed or even bad luck and dangerous to associate with. Each local will handle this in their own way, but no matter who they talk to, no one will ever be able to explain what happened to them or how they got there.


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