C.O.G. / Theo Owens Character in Sutekina | World Anvil
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C.O.G. / Theo Owens

Theodore Isaac Owens (a.k.a. Theo / Cog)

Mental characteristics


Theo is bisexual, with non-romantic inclinations.


Theo Owens was trained in engineering and artificer mage works at Academy of Science and Magic. He was scouted by the State for a scholarship after competing in a robotics competition as a young teen working and living with Yuki Usagi and her family.


Theo was employed as State Mechanist since graduating from the Academy at age 23.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Distinguished Inventor Award for Youth Category - Age 15 Excellence in Robotics Engineering - age 18 Scouted at 18 and given sufficient scholarship to complete his training through the Academy including remedial education for his lack of traditional schooling.

Failures & Embarrassments

Youth   While competing in a public competition that could have landed him earlier access to higher education, a teenaged Theo began a torrid affair with a fellow competitor that distracted him from his work, eventually resulting in him becoming distracted and failing to produce a viable entry. This fact was widely known and served as a source of embarrassment for a long while.   Disciplinary Issues   Multiple disciplinary actions during school for drug use, threats of violence, and accusations of theft. Frequent suspensions from work related to drug use and behavioral issues.

Mental Trauma

Theo was orphaned at the age of 7 after his parents failed to return from a cartography expedition. While initially sent to live with a distant relative, he would eventually find himself on the street, fighting to survive and thrive on his own until an incident messing around with machinery in a factory would leave him needing a prosthetic leg. Yuki Usagi took him in, giving him his prosthetic and teaching him how to repair and care for it as well as providing him with food, shelter and a place in the family.


Drug Abuse Prostitutes and Pleasure Robots


Cog is an artificer/barbarian who, though technically human, very much believes himself to be a machine created by the state mechanist, Theo Owens. In truth he is Theo, though after suffering a traumatic head injury he has no recollection of his past.

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Personality: Caring and gentle but easily frustrated, C.O.G. does not understand many things and thinks jokes are lies that friends tell.
Date of Birth
May 6th, 1412
Year of Birth
1412 ME 29 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Deep Emerald Green
Thick, course, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm-toned, Tanned, burns and scars around his face and along his arms and chest from work
6' 5"
240 including Leg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What are you, stupid?" "Fuck off."

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