Derrick Blake Character in Sutton Springs | World Anvil
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Derrick Blake

Derrick Blake

Derrick Blake, Son of the Mayor of Sutton Springs. Commonly seen wearing his Purple and lavender letterman jacket, a Bright green sleeveless tank top and short jean shorts tied with his favorite pair of hiking boots. He owns a black 1967 Chevy impala convertible which he can constantly be seen driving around town. Well known through out Sutton Springs from living there his whole life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic but in no means overly buff

Identifying Characteristics

Large scar on his right knee.

Physical quirks

Eye twitch during times of stress

Apparel & Accessories

Dark purple and Lavender letterman jacket, Light green sleeveless tank top, Short Jean shorts, Hiking boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Sutton Springs his life revolved around the town. 21 years living in the town, going to the town's highschool, the local summer camp and going to various events as the Mayor's son nothing ever changed for him. His older brother would show him the cool new thing to do in town weather it was drinking out at the lake or racing down the backroads of the town.


A closeted homosexual. Between pressures of his the town's size, Culture, and Rumors he constantly struggles accepting that part of himself in anyway. Struggles at home especially after his older brother's death putting further pressure to "Find a good wife and settle down."


Put through Sutton Springs Public schools and graduateing from Sutton Springs High he now takes various classes offered by the school's community program for further education.


With his family's wealth he never felt the need to get a real job as he never needed to. He was however forced into becoming a camp councilor at the local summer camp after he was old enough to. Every summer for 4 years between 16 and 19 he helped out at the local business as the Mayor's son is expected.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While some around town suggest he made his way onto the Football and Basketball team were from his father's status no such rumors were given about his ability to play baseball, even being good enough for his father to patron the team.   Though scoffed at by some of his Baseball fans He found himself doing quiet well in the Sutton Springs theater, getting decent parts in most productions with his favorite and highest roll being Brad Majors in the yearly Rocky Horror Picture show.

Failures & Embarrassments

Between never being good enough for his parents and the town, leading to the constant spread of rumors surrounding him situations tend to sway one way or the other in extreme cases based on what the town thinks he's done this time.   Struggles within himself are a constant leading him to believe situations are much worse than they are causing him to act out on the spot. A constant rumor of him buying makeup as well as wearing it constantly leads to towns people thinking he blows his top and gets into fights all over town even if no one knows with who, The coverup for the bruises Doesn't help quell such rumors.

Mental Trauma

Besides the obvious from living in Sutton Springs Derrick has a rather tough home life. Between a neglectful mother and an abusive father he spends most of his time forced out of his house. Rumors around town constantly targeting him for his various bruises and building in hushed tones as he was still the Mayor's son. The Abuse becoming more prevalent after his older brother's death.

Morality & Philosophy

Right is Good and Wrong is Bad


Think 60s American house hold. The dangers mostly being taught of a person living in that time period

Personality Characteristics


A deep need to be happy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

The towns interesting ability to have nothing interesting at all has forced him to explore the town in great lengths in an attempt to pass the time. The time spent working in the summer camp and the Community theater showing him all kinds of stuff about the inside workings as well as being the Mayor's son giving him access to town hall.   His lack of knowledge of his car tends to be a downfall in times when it has engine issues. His general disregard for several things as bad things work out for him in the end, (mostly due to his parents ability to sort it out) He tends to think nothing bad will happen until it does.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tends to be an asshole.

Personality Quirks

Usually fidgets when somethings not going right or nothings happening at all.


Fanatically needs to be clean and well kept.


Contacts & Relations

Mayor Blake’s second son

Wealth & Financial state

Son of the Mayor

Well known, Rich, Son of the Mayor. Known in town for his involvement in the town's theater productions, specifically his yearly performance as Brad Majors every October. Known for bruises presumably from fights around town.

View Character Profile
Estranged Good
Date of Birth
May 10th
Sutton Springs
Current Residence
Sutton Springs
Short, styled red hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages

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