Maximilian Graf Character in Sutton Springs | World Anvil
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Maximilian Graf

Maximilian Graf (a.k.a. Xiao Min)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His parents are both scientists, researching and working in biomedical sciences and astrophysics. When Max was 11 y/o, the couple got an interesting job offer from a research center in NY and decided to quit their current job and move to the U.S. Since then they never stayed in a place too long and lived quite a nomadic lifestyle moving from one research institution to others. The frequent moving didn’t bother Max a lot, as he was home-shooled and was relatively cut from the outside world. When Max turned 18, the family settled in New York for a while, so he could study physics at the University. After graduation his father suggested him to go to Oxford, as he had an old colleague who was planning a large-scale experiment on high energy physics. Without any other thoughts Max packed his bags and went to England. The preparation of the experiments were smooth sailing in the beginning. His fathers friend, Mr. Mortimer was a charismatic man and could secure a good amount of fundings for the experiments as well he recruited quite a few bright minds for his project. But when the experiments started, Mortimer changed. The usually charming man got irritable and lost his temper more and more frequently. Halfway through the project Mortimer was not recognizable anymore, he neglected his looks, would frequently mumble about things that made no sense and suddenly stopped showing up in the lab. The last straw was that he started to use the fund-money for pseudo experiments, so the higher up decided to stop the research until further notice. But Mortimer's mental health continued to worsen. He started to see things and lash out at people around him, so his family institutionalized him. Max frequently visited his mentor, trying to make sense how such a man could fall in such a dire state. In Mortimers lucid moments Max could converse with the man normally but the moment he would mention something about the previous experiments, Mortimer would relapse again. Max took it upon himself to find out what disturbed Mortimer so much, and would continue his mentor's private research. He managed to find some kind of disturbance in the electromagnetic field around Stonehenge. But no matter how much he looked into it, he made no progress and his Visa was expiring soon. He had to return to the U.S. Upon returning Max consulted his father and Haoyu was able to get a hold of a few outdated instruments for his son. The machinery was crude, but it was enough for Max to use it. And like this, Max found another anomaly, similar to the one around Stonehenge, in California. On the same day he found that anomaly he loaded his car with his equipment and made way to Sutton Springs.


As most of his homeschooling was done by his father, Max was greatly interested in physics and decided to study this. After his graduation, he decided to do part his doctorate in Oxford.


Currently doing his PhD in Yale and also lectures part-time there.


Contacts & Relations

Mentor: Mortimer

Family Ties

Parents: Elena Graf and Haoyu Lou

Wealth & Financial state

Parents are well-off.

Physicist doing his PhD, daddy's boy and professional nerd.

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Geneva, Switzerland
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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