Ahsness Species in Suveon | World Anvil
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The most numerous species in the area, Ahsness are always seeking to expand their territory. However, they are somewhat limited by their desire for warm, sunny locations.

Basic Information


Though humanoid in form and size, the hairless skin on this race is mostly covered with rigid scales. Despite the reptilian appearance, this species is a mammal.

Genetics and Reproduction

As per human species.

Growth Rate & Stages

As per human species.

Ecology and Habitats

Ahsness thrive in sunny, warm climates. They prefer not to dwell in cold locations or areas that do not receive a lot of direct sunlight, such as dense forests.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ahsness are located on grasslands, savannas, and the territories surrounding them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Patterned Back Scales on an Ahsness absorb and store energy from sunlight for a time making the Ahsness stronger and keeping their body warm.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The Patterned Back Scales of an Ahsness are their most important feature and their clothes are made to both show them off and to enable them to absorb sunlight.

Common Taboos

If an Ahsness were to cover their back completely in the sunshine, they would be considered dishonest and untrustworthy.

Average Height
6 foot/1.8 m for males and females
Average Weight
175 pounds/80 kg
Average Physique
Ahsness bodies tend to be broader and more muscular than those of comparable humans.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The thoracic spine region of their back is covered with special sun-absorbing scales. It starts from the base of their neck then stretches outward to cover the back portion of their shoulders, then tapers slightly to cover their whole back down to the lower-middle portion. These scales, in addition to being useful, are patterned of different warm colors such as reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. The rest of their bodies are generally a single color, also warm.
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