Nairian - Antennae Folk - Distinctions Species in Suveon | World Anvil
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Nairian - Antennae Folk - Distinctions

Physical Feature - A pair of feathered antennae coming from their forehead.   Distinctions
  • Hinder: Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
  • Detect Poison: Spend a PP to sense poison in the area via antennae.
  • Eyes Closed: Spend a PP to navigate/sense via antennae for the duration of any test, contest, or challenge.
Average Height
5' or 1.5m for both males & females.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin & hair are light/pastel in tone coming in any color desired by the player.
Main Page: Nairian

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