Penumbral Moth Species in Svalskogenheim | World Anvil

Penumbral Moth

The Penumbral Moth, or more commonly the Twilight Fairy is a species of large crepuscular insect found in all southern areas of Svalskogenhiem, noted for ability to change its visibility in connection to the phases of the moon. The moth is also believed to be connected to The Gloaming due to its unusual ability for invisibility, and it is this connection to the fey realms that has continued the species association with both good and bad luck.

Basic Information


Penumbral moths are one of the largest lepidopterans in Svalskogenheim with a wingspan measuring between 23–27 cm with four large lobed wings. Its body while small in comparison to its wingspan is covered in hair like scales. Females are larger and heavier than males, while males have broader feathered antennae.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females are sexually passive, releasing powerful pheromones to attract a mate. The female does not stray far from the location of her discarded cocoon and find an area where the air currents will best carry her pheromones. Males can detect and home in on these pheromones from several kilometers away using receptors located on their feathery antennae. Once fertilized, the female lays a number of spherical eggs on the undersides of the leaves of food plants. Once fertilised, the eggs progress though the usual lepedoptera cycle of larva, pupa then imago.

Ecology and Habitats

The moth's primary habitat is the mixed temperate woodlands of the southern half of the continent, with secondary habitats of shrub lands and maritime coastal grasslands.

Biological Cycle

The Penumbral Moth has the ability to change its visibility dependent on what phase the moon is currently in. In all phases of the moon, the moth is invisible during daylight hours so that only its shadow can be seen, and as sunset comes it slowly becomes more visible in the fading sunlight. Only a full moon, and in the nighttime hours does the moth gain the ability to glow with a pale blue yellow light.
Penumbral Moth glowing
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Vibrant light blue wings edged in a dusk red colour. Four eyespots on each wing change throughout the month reflected the lunar phases.

Cultural Observations

The Penumbral Moths have been commonly seen as both good and bad luck symbols for several millennia.
The secretive Hulder, for example, have long held that a Penumbral Moth's shadow seen before the nights of a full moon is a sign of ill fortune, the belief that the moth's shadow has reveal the observer's presence, and now knows where they are at all times until the moon starts to wane. If a Hulder sees such a shadow, they tend to either hurriedly pack up their belongings and move on with journey, or they become more insular for this period, locking themselves away from all contact with the outside world.
Conversely, the Varl believe the sight of a glowing moth is a literal light in the dark, and that good fortune will favour those who saw it.
Lastly, though the Green Aelf culture has only been really truly formed since The Fracture, it is a commonly held belief that the Twilight Fairy is a gatekeeper of sorts to show nearby planar intrusions from the Gloaming - one or two moths in a location would cause no alarm but upwards of eight moths and the aelf would considered the place ill favoured, even so far as to watch and guard the area for Feybeast activity.