Catherine Rosene Character in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Catherine Rosene

Catherine is the wife of Osmund Rosene  and matriach of the House Rosene of Neverwinter. For the longest time, she was unable to get pregnant and upon Osmund finding Lily Rosene she was in love. She and her daughter used to be very close, but grew apart over the years. Unbeknownst to lily, this was due to a miscarriage. The grief of losing a child swallowed Catherine whole, especially as it happened when her husband was away, leaving her to deal with it and raising their daughter on her own. Adding insult to injury, the townspeople began whispering the miscarriage was due to Lily's tiefling heritage and began looking down upon the noble house. Catherine (incorrectly) believes lily to be ignorant of this and it would break her heart to learn that her child knows of it. She is greatly worried about losing her only daughter and thus has send her most trusted agent (Kolvar Leokas) with her daughter to keep her safe.

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