Myconids Species in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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The myconids are indifferent to the party

Basic Information


Myconids resembled giant fungi, with their main distinguishing feature being their limbs. Their upper half split into a pair of arms below their caps and their lower half divided into a pair of legs at the stump. Each extremity was pudgy and broad, with their hands ending in two stubby fingers and a thumb, and their feet hosting numerous vestigial toes. This number was not absolute however, with some fungus folk hosting more than the usual number of limbs and/or digits. The bloated flesh of most myconids ranged in coloration from purple to gray. Two eyes rested on their caps, perfectly concealed against the rest of their spongy skin when shut. Some fungus ones secreted a poisonous ooze from near everywhere but their hands

Biological Traits

Sunlight sensitivity These cave dwelling creature are sensitive to sunlight   Rapport Spores This ability allows all intelligent creatures in the area to communicate telepathically with each other. The PCs and the myconids are effectively speaking thoughts at each other. This effect doesn't allow any creature to probe invasively into another's creature's mind. But it transcends language barriers, and you can play around with the kind of communication that the spores allow. The communication is monotone and has strange disruptions.  Their telepathic communication carries a direct expression of their emotional state. The effect last for 1 hour, so the PCs might be telepathically linked to each other if they're within 30 feet of each other.   Distress spores When taken damage, they release spores that alert all other myconids within 240 ft of them.
Scientific Name
Average Height
0.6-3.6 m

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