There, There, Owlbear Plot in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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There, There, Owlbear

A discordant sound- Half a low growl, half a piercing screech- rips through the air. Abruptly, a hulking creature comes into view. A mix of purple feathers and deep brown fur covers its bear like body, and its large eyes stare hungrily at you from its owlish head
This owlbear is hostile towards the PCs. It views them as intruders in its territory, though its goal is to drive them away rather than kill them. Originally a part of a performing troupe, the owlbear was stranded here after the ship carrying the troupe crashed on the northern rocks. Any character within 5 feet of the owlbear notices a small wooden whistle hanging around its neck. This whistle was (and still can be) used to train and command the owlbear. A character within 5 feet of the owlbear can use their action to attempt to grab the whistle (DC12 Str check). With the whistle, a character can take an action to blow into it and make a DC10 Animal Handling check. On a success, the owlbear calms and immediately becomes friendly toward the whistle holder and indifferent toward the others. However, it won't leave the area it now considers its territory, and any attempt to force it to leave makes it hostile again
Here, There Owlbear
Use if traveling across the island
Plot type
Additional encounter
2nd Level: difficult challenge   3rd level: medium challenge

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