Golden Apple

They say that an apple a day keeps a doctor away. And medieval doctors are not usually people you want to see anyways. Either they have a big scary white mask with a long beak and if you see them then, you most likely have the plague already and there is no apple in the universe that can save you, not even the enchanted ones.   They say that an apple a day keeps a doctor away. And medieval doctors are not usually people you want to see anyways. Either they have a big scary white mask with a long beak and if you see them then, you most likely have the plague already and there is no apple in the universe that can save you, not even the enchanted ones.   Therefore most of the people do their absolute best not to get sick or injured and try all sorts of things to protect themselves from all kinds of maladies of body and mind. And no other fruit in the whole wide world has so many myths and stories of miraculous recovery associated with them as apples. And there is no more famous than the golden apple.   In a mythical orchard, hidden in a sacred grove of the druids, deep within the untamed forests of Avalonia, lies a dozen of trees rumoured to be faerie princesses in the previous life. Each of them bares different kind of fruit, all look alike, but clever people might tell them apart by the smell.   The most precious apple is not actually made out of gold, but it is bright yellow and shiny, almost shimmering in the rare sun rays that make it all the way down through the dense crowns of the forest trees above. It has the power to return youth back to whomever eats even just one bite out of it.

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