Swords & Treachery


The History of Swords & Treachery so far

The nature of the island is hungry and devours many things that cross her path. There will definitely be past kings and chieftans buried in hills with their treasures, but instead of those being a big civilisation, it will be more scattered and localised - I want to focus more on the smaller, local folklore and less on giant empires.   With that said, ancestors of king Arthur could be traced to the heroes of Troy in some version of the story, so there might be some space for an empire somewhere... we'll see.

Current Species & Cultures

This will correspond with the possible origins that PCs will be able to chose. Again, we are going for smaller local regions that can be ruled by one clan leader.   We will have some supernatural species present.

Needs & Relations

They need everyone to do their part and not let the kingdom fall apart into the hands of chaos again, thank you very much.

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