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Reptiles, Synapsids and Dinosaurs of Syann

Unique Reptiles and Suarians found on Syann   Sea-Wings: The Aquatic Pterosaurs   The Sea-Wings are a remarkable and unique species of flightless aquatic reptiles that have evolved from ancient fish-eating Pterosaurs. These once flying navigators are perfectly adapted to life in warm sub-tropical waters, where they have become masterful swimmers and gliders, utilizing their former flying wings as fins akin to mantas. Their life cycle, behavior, and features have evolved to suit their aquatic existence, and they have become a captivating part of the local ecosystem.   Physical Characteristics:   Wings Adapted as Fins: The Sea-Wings possess wings that have evolved into specialized fins for efficient underwater propulsion. These wings are broad, flat, and elongated, resembling those of manta rays. Their wing-fins are essential for both swimming and gliding over the water's surface.   Streamlined Bodies: Sea-Wings have streamlined bodies, designed for swift movement through water. Their bodies are sleek and torpedo-shaped, allowing them to navigate the underwater currents with ease.   Limited Flying Abilities: While Sea-Wings can glide above the water's surface, they have lost the ability to fly in the traditional sense. Their wings are no longer suitable for aerial flight, but they serve as exceptional tools for gliding and swimming.   Aquatic Lifestyle:   Swimming Mastery: Sea-Wings are exceptional swimmers, gracefully navigating the ocean waters of the Maqarim Islands. Their powerful wing-fins provide them with both speed and agility, making them efficient hunters in the underwater realm.   Limited Flight: Although their flying abilities are limited to gliding over the water, Sea-Wings can still take to the skies briefly. They use this ability to leap out of the water and glide back down, aiding in their navigation and hunting strategies.   Nesting on Cliffs: Sea-Wings return to the land only to mate and rear their young. They choose the cliffs of islands such as the Maqarim Islands as their nesting sites, where they can climb up using their wing-fins. These cliffside nests provide protection and a vantage point for spotting prey in the surrounding waters.   Diet: Sea-Wings are primarily piscivores, feasting on a diet of fish and other aquatic creatures. They are skilled hunters, using their wing-fins and ability to hold their breath for very long periods to corral and capture their prey in the water.   Conservation: Sea-Wings, while adapted to their environment have faced over hunting and accusations of being man-eatting monsters, face challenges in the modern world. Conservation efforts mostly focused in Maqarim include protecting their nesting sites and ensuring the availability of fish populations.   Common types of Sea-Wings include the following:   River-Wing:   Size: The River-Wing is the smallest of the Sea-Wing subspecies. They have a height of around 1 meter (3.3 feet) and a wingspan of approximately 2 meters (6.6 feet).   Color: River-Wings typically have mottled brown and gray coloring, allowing them to blend in with the river environments they inhabit.   Diet: River-Wings are specialized in hunting small freshwater fish. They use their sharp beaks to snatch fish from rivers and streams, often flying low over the water's surface during their hunting expeditions.   Sea-Arrow:   Size: Sea-Arrows are medium-sized Sea-Wings, with a height of about 2 meters (6.6 feet) and a wingspan of roughly 4 meters (13.1 feet).   Color: These Sea-Wings have striking silvery-blue colors on their dorsal side, which helps them blend in with the reflective surface of the ocean. Their ventral side is a snowy white.   Diet: Sea-Arrows specialize in hunting large schools of small fish, such as sardines. They employ a unique hunting technique, diving from the air and piercing the water like an arrow to catch their prey. They do this with carefully controled leaps from cliffs using tropical air currents to gain altitude.   Blue-Beak Sea-Wing:   Size: Blue-Beak Sea-Wings are large Sea-Wings, standing at around 3 meters (9.8 feet) in height, with a wingspan of approximately 6 meters (19.7 feet).   Color: These Sea-Wings have dark blue colors on their dorsal side, which provides excellent camouflage in the open ocean. Their beaks are vibrant blue.   Diet: Blue-Beak Sea-Wings have a specialized diet that includes large jellyfish. Their robust beaks are adapted to tear through the gelatinous bodies of these creatures, making them the apex predators of jellyfish-rich waters.   Giant Reef Sea-Wing:   Size: The Giant Reef Sea-Wings are the largest of the Sea-Wing subspecies, reaching towering heights of up to 4 meters (13.1 feet) with a wingspan of around 8 meters (26.2 feet).   Color: These Sea-Wings have a vibrant and diverse coloration, with patterns of green, yellow, and blue on their bodies. Their beaks have long ago adapted for filter feeding and are not unlike those of a flamingo. Their diet consists of plankton, krill and small fish and shrimp.   Diet: Giant Reef Sea-Wings are filter feeders, primarily consuming microorganisms. They have specialized beak structures and throat filters that allow them to extract food from the water as they swim or glide along the ocean's surface.

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