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The Company Men/Women

The Barter Bay "Blue Caps"  
(Art by Midjourny)   In the wake of the The Land Shatter, a cataclysm that shattered the heart of Terigoth into fragmented isles, five centuries have passed. It has been a long and arduous journey of rebuilding and recovery for what was once the largest landmass in the world, now divided into two subcontinents and a heartland comprising countless islands. This pivotal event reshaped the world, giving rise to the Age of Sundered Destinies, where no grand empires or dominant powers have emerged to claim supremacy as their predecessors did in ancient times.   In this era of transformative change, trade has ascended as the ruling force across the vast expanse of the broken sea, extending its reach to distant lands and far-off shores. Merchants now vie to seize the power that was once held exclusively by royal empires. Nowhere is this shift more apparent than in the shattered realm of Terigoth, where merchant guilds and organizations have adopted the names of Venture Companies or Trade Companies. Some operate as mercenary groups, while others embark on exploratory missions, driven by an insatiable thirst for both wealth and adventure.   As these Trade Companies establish themselves, expand their influence, and acquire political clout, they amass their own armies, navies, and recruit individuals eager to explore the world and secure their support. Those drawn to the irresistible allure of these Venture Companies are commonly referred to as the Company Men or Company Women, their ranks filled with both courageous men and women seeking fortune, fame, and the thrill of discovering new horizons.   Romanticism has firmly taken root in the hearts of many Company Men and Women, transforming them into swashbuckling adventurers and heroic explorers. In certain regions, they have even surpassed the chivalrous knights as the iconic figures of high romance.



The qualifications to be deemed a Company Man can vary significantly from one Trade Company to another. Some of the less reputable organizations. such as the Lastreach Iron Trader Union, seek little more than individuals capable of wielding a truncheon, while major Trade Companies like the Barter Bay Blue Waves Trade Company maintain stringent hiring standards, making the privilege of wearing their distinctive blue caps a matter of pride. In essence, Company Men and Women are the adventurous souls employed by these trade entities.   It is worth noting that the term "Company Man" or "Company Woman" seldom applies to accountants, office workers, or other positions within the trade companies that the general public may consider mundane. However, this hasn't deterred a few desk-bound individuals from appropriating the title to impress others, often leading to unfortunate consequences when challenged to duels or confronted by rival company's more seasoned and capable Company Men.   South Eslantan "Grey Coats"  
(Art by Midjourny)

Career Progression

In the hierarchy of Trade Companies, the owners, known as Governors or Governesses, frequently adopt a structure reminiscent of the navy or military to facilitate the progression of their Company Men. While this approach is not universal, it has become the prevailing norm across many establishments. An exemplar of this practice can be found in the Southren Estlantan Trade Company, where naval ranks predominantly dictate the career advancement of their Company Men. Here, Company Captains not only hold prestigious positions but also have the opportunity to own and operate their own ships, partially financed by the company. This arrangement ensures a system of hierarchical growth and provides motivated Company Men with the means to flourish within the trade organization.   Lastreach "Hobnails AKA Jackboots"  
(Art by Midjourny)

Payment & Reimbursement

Payment and rewards for Company Men vary significantly among Trade Companies, with each organization implementing its own unique approach. Some companies hire individuals for defined Tours of Duty, while others expect their service until retirement. Certain companies engage them solely for specific operations, and a few may resort to press-ganging individuals into service until they prove their value to the organization. However, a common thread is that Company Men are generously compensated for their work, reflecting the demanding and often perilous nature of their roles.   In some cases, Trade Companies go beyond monetary compensation and extend prestigious opportunities to their Company Men. For instance, certain companies may invite exceptional individuals to join their board of directors or bestow them with esteemed ranks within the organization. The Paladius Silver Dragons Trading Consortium serves as a prime example, as they have been known to offer the chance to become landed Nobles to their most accomplished Company Men. These additional rewards and opportunities not only incentivize dedicated service but also ensure the loyalty and commitment of exceptional individuals within the ranks of the Company Men.   Free Islands Alliance "Green Hawks"  
(Art by Midjourny)

Other Benefits

At the very least, being a Company Man guarantees essential provisions such as food, shelter, and clothing. Even the most unscrupulous trade companies consider failing to provide these basic necessities as a breach of contract.   A reputable trade company typically furnishes its Company Men with a smart uniform, a quality hat, basic weapons, armor, tools, and adequate provisions and lodging. The extent to which a company fulfills these requirements often serves as an indicator of its wealth and influence. Company Men frequently engage in playful banter, jokingly comparing the pampered conditions provided by wealthier or more generous trade companies to the rougher experiences endured by those belonging to poorer or stingier organizations.   Moreover, many companies employ methods to distinguish their own gear, often through stamps or distinctive markings. They discourage theft or the acquisition of equipment from rival trade companies. Among the exceedingly strict Lastreach Iron Traders, possessing the equipment of a competing trade organization can result in severe punishments such as flogging, highlighting the seriousness with which such matters are treated within certain companies.



The primary objective of Company Men can be likened to the adventuring guilds that gained popularity centuries ago. They form a collective of individuals who possess the willingness, and ideally the skill, to partake in perilous explorations, combat, and various mercantile activities. However, unlike the adventuring guilds, which primarily function as mercenary operations, Company Men owe their unwavering loyalty and service to the trade company that employs them.   In fact, it is widely regarded among Company Men that abandoning one's trade company prematurely or betraying their trust before completing a designated tour or receiving a lawful discharge is considered a grave offense, indicative of a dishonorable and untrustworthy individual. Such actions are viewed with disdain and are associated with the label of a blackguard scum, drawing strong condemnation from the vast majority of Company Men who prioritize honor, loyalty, and maintaining their commitment to their respective trade companies.

Social Status

In numerous cities scattered across the broken sea, as well as along the Eastern and Western Terigoth, Company Men have emerged as rising stars within society. Their daring escapades have captured the imaginations of the public, leading to their portrayal in various forms of entertainment. Copper-Dreadful tales, cheaply printed books on low-quality pulp paper, plays, songs, and the audacious stories shared by Company Men themselves have propelled them to positions of awe and wonder in the eyes of many.   This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in the city of Barter Bay, known for its multitude of trade companies and the abundance of Copper-Dreadful novels chronicling the swashbuckling exploits of these adventurous individuals. The tales of their bravery and audacity have captivated audiences, sparking a sense of fascination and admiration for the Company Men who navigate the tumultuous seas and engage in thrilling adventures. These tales of heroism and daring have elevated Company Men to a status of intrigue and fascination, making them the subjects of wide-eyed wonder among the populace.


Although the majority of Company Men originate from the major ports of the Broken Isles and Terigoth, their composition is anything but homogeneous. These adventurous individuals come from diverse backgrounds, encompassing humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and even more exotic folk hailing from various corners of the globe. While certain Trade Companies, like the Sootfoot Trading Company, have specific hiring practices that primarily favor their halfling kin, such specialized operations are the exception rather than the norm.   The eclectic nature of the Company Men reflects the cosmopolitan environment within which they operate. Trade Companies often seek out individuals with unique skills, experiences, and perspectives to enhance their capabilities in the ever-expanding world of commerce and exploration. This diversity not only enriches the collective knowledge and expertise of these trade organizations but also fosters a sense of unity among people from disparate backgrounds, united by their shared sense of adventure and the pursuit of success in the vast and dynamic realms of trade and exploration.


The term "Company Man" was first coined as a term in the Copper-Dreadful series titled "Sharpe's Privateers," which emerged approximately twenty-five years ago. This series, known for its sensational and entirely fictionalized accounts, depicted the naval forces of a Trade Company under the command of Ulysses Sharpe. "Sharpe's Privateers" gained immense popularity, particularly in Barter Bay, to the extent that it became a significant influence on the terminology and phrases commonly used among Company Men and those who admire them.   The ongoing series, still penned by an unknown writer, continues to captivate audiences. It has even inspired a number of plays based on the most popular books in the series, although some critics argue that the adaptations fail to capture the essence of the beloved source material. Nonetheless, the Copper-Dreadful series of "Sharpe's Privateers" has left an indelible mark on the culture surrounding Company Men, shaping their language, narratives, and the ideals that people associate with their exploits.



Standard Kit for a Company at the bare minimum includes the following (It is of note this is the bare minimum offered by nearly all company contracts)   Weaponry: A primary weapon, such as a Cutless, Boarding axe, or spear, and a secondary weapon, like a dagger or short sword. The specific weapons may vary based on the individual's preference and training.   Armor: Basic protective gear, such as a mail shirt, helmet, and shield, to provide defense against potential threats during combat or exploration.   Tools: Common tools necessary for various tasks, including a knife, rope, grappling hook, and lockpicks for versatility in different situations.   Provisions: A supply of rations, typically consisting of dried food, preserved meat, and water, to sustain the Company Man during extended expeditions or times of scarcity.   Clothing: Sturdy and practical attire suitable for their activities, including durable trousers, a shirt, a cloak, and sturdy boots for comfort and mobility. Often but not always including a Dress Uniform and an everday Uniform.


Will differ from company company with many companies providing materials as needed for their operations.


Once more the workplaces set aside for company men will very, though a bunk house or beds on a ship are often considered the bare minimum and not providing an acceptable place of work may be considered a breach of contract to many Company Men.

Provided Services

In addition to the standard kit, Company Men can often enjoy a range of additional services and benefits provided by their employing Trade Companies. These benefits can include:   Free Medical Care: Trade Companies often offer access to medical facilities and treatments, ensuring that Company Men receive necessary healthcare without bearing the financial burden.   Discounts on Trade Company Products: Company Men may enjoy discounted rates or preferential pricing when purchasing goods or services offered by their Trade Company, fostering loyalty and incentivizing their engagement with company products.   Insurance Agreements: Many Trade Companies offer insurance agreements to safeguard their Company Men. These agreements typically include provisions that ensure if a Company Man perishes in the line of duty, their pay will be sent to a designated beneficiary, providing financial support to their loved ones.   Paid Funeral Services: In recognition of their service and sacrifice, Trade Companies often cover the costs associated with a Company Man's funeral arrangements, easing the burden on their families during a difficult time.   These benefits and services, among others, vary in number and quality based on the wealth and generosity of the Trade Company's governor. The provision of such perks is considered a reflection of the company's resources and the care it extends to its Company Men.

Dangers & Hazards

The hazards faced by Company Men are numerous and diverse, encompassing a wide range of threats and challenges. Some of the most common perils encountered by these adventurous individuals include:   Bad Weather: Company Men often have to brave harsh weather conditions, such as storms, extreme temperatures, and treacherous terrain, during their expeditions and travels.   Pirates: The seas and trade routes are infested with pirates who seek to plunder the cargo and wealth of Trade Companies. Company Men must be vigilant and prepared to defend themselves against these maritime marauders.   Bandits: Inland routes and remote areas are fraught with the danger of bandits and brigands who target Trade Company caravans and expeditions, seeking to steal valuable goods or cause harm.   Rival Trade Companies: Competition between Trade Companies can escalate into conflicts and rivalries, resulting in clashes between Company Men representing different organizations.   Lost Ruins and Treacherous Locations: Some Company Men venture into ancient ruins, seeking treasure or relics. These expeditions can be perilous, as they confront traps, ancient guardians, and the mysteries of forgotten civilizations.   Eldritch Dangers: Company Men who explore magical locations or deal with arcane artifacts may encounter otherworldly eldritch dangers, supernatural beings, or powerful magical forces that pose grave risks to their well-being.   Political and Social Intrigue: Trade Companies operate within a complex web of political and social dynamics. Company Men may find themselves embroiled in delicate negotiations, power struggles, or espionage, navigating the murky waters of intrigue and manipulation.   Similar to their cousins in Adventurer Guilds, Company Men face an array of dangers and threats throughout their service to their Trade Companies. Their resilience, skill, and adaptability are put to the test as they confront these perils in pursuit of wealth, exploration, and success in the realms of trade and adventure.
In the twilight's embrace, upon the widow's walk I stand, Gazing upon the boundless sea, awaiting my company man. With each passing day, a plea heavy in my heart, I watch, yearning for him, though we're worlds apart.   Through tempests and trials, he ventured far and wide, With sword in hand, undaunted, his spirit never denied. In distant lands, where perils roam wild and free, I patiently await, for his heart belongs to me.   From fierce battles fought, with unwavering might, Amidst chaos and tumult, he emerged in the light. In realms unknown, where fate's tapestry weaves, I remain steadfast, nestled among autumnal leaves.   The moon, a whisperer of secrets, as tides gently sway, Serenading lovers as they long for a brighter day. With every breath, I pray for his safe passage, you see, His loyalty to company, yet his heart belongs to me.   Oh, the stars bear witness to our love's yearning fire, Their distant gleam reminds us of the passion we aspire. In dreams, his face appears, his touch, a tender plea, For in his heart, a place is reserved for me.   As waves crash upon the shore, in rhythm and rhyme, My heart beats to the melody of an eternal chime. Enduring trials, our love a beacon, resolute and free, His return brings solace, united at last, you see.   And when winds whisper tales of his triumphant return, Our souls entwine, no longer bound to yearn. With tears of joy, in his arms, eternally we'll be, For though his loyalty is to company, his heart belongs to me. -Ballad of the Company Mans Bride Source Unknown
Common Terms and Phrases among Company Men, most taken from the Sharpes Privateers Novels   "Looking Sharpe, very sharpe"-A allusion to the popular lead character in Sharpes Privateers, who is in the books noted for being very smartly dressed and ruggedly handsome.   "You took the Governer/Governesses coin didn't you?"-A term to imply you agreed to the job don't back out, often used to counter cowardly or dissenting talk.   "Sworn by salt and steel, bound to the Company's wheel."- An expression emphasizing loyalty and commitment to the Trade Company.   "Fortune favors the bold, and we are its willing servants."- A reminder that taking risks can lead to great rewards for Company Men.   "Through storm and strife, we sail the seas of life."- A poetic reference to the challenges faced by Company Men and their resilience in overcoming them.   "In the Company's embrace, we find our place."- Highlighting the sense of belonging and purpose that comes with being a Company Man.   "We bleed for profit, and thrive in the fray."- Acknowledging the risks and sacrifices Company Men make in pursuit of wealth and adventure.   "Cutlasses gleam, and hearts ablaze, Company Men forge their own ways."- Emphasizing the adventurous and independent spirit of Company Men.   "Company Men, united we stand, against all odds we expand."- Highlighting the strength and unity among Company Men, even in the face of adversity.   "Shoulder to shoulder, we face perils untold, for we are Company Men, brave and bold."- Capturing the camaraderie and courage shared among Company Men in the face of unknown dangers.
Alternative Names
Grey Coats (South Estalantan), Blue Caps (Barter Bay), Hobnails (Lastreach) Nearly every company has its own Nicknames for its Company Men.
High, as the trade companies grow the need for skilled people willing to risk their lives for adventure and exploration increases
The role of a Company Man is legally protected to a certain extent in New Serrioisa and several other nations that have implemented laws aimed at guaranteeing ethical and moral standards in Company Man contracts. These laws outline the minimum requirements for treatment and provide a measure of legal recourse for any mistreatment or exploitation.   However, it should be noted that not all nations prioritize or bother to offer legal protection to Company Men. In some jurisdictions, Company Men are seen as the property of the hiring trade company, allowing the company to treat them as they please without legal consequences beyond the basic laws of the region. Some of the most unfortunate of these Company men amount to press ganged slaves.

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