The Shake Song
Everyone gather round
Lets Shake the ground
All Jump up
All Fall down
Everyone scream and run around -Popular childerns song
This verse is well-loved throughout Terigoth, a favorite among children sung in small groups with accompanying dance steps. Yet, unbeknownst to many, its origin lies in the tragic events of the Land Shatter.
Historical Basis
The origins of the Shake song remain a mystery, but it emerged sometime after the devastating Landshatter occurred. Though the cataclysm left countless dead, dying, and homeless, this peculiar little tune somehow surfaced and has persisted for centuries, passed down from one generation of children to the next.
This song of unknown origan has spread far and wide across the Broken Sea and to the two remaining parts of the Terigoth. They say it started as a much longer and complex bards verse meant to show the suffering and hardships forced upon the broken isles but that original work seems to have been utterly lost to time with only this childerns rhyme remaining. Many suspect this tale of a lost bards song that became a childerns verse is widly untrue and that the song has the humblest of origans as nothing more then a verse created by childern in the aftermath of a diaster many may not of full comprehended.
Variations & Mutation
This verse has a number of variations in regards to its lines, the most popular being by region.
In Serrosia and New Serriosia
Everyone gather round
Lets all fight for the Crown
If we can't have it shake the ground
In the end we all fall down
In Paladius
Evil magic all around
In wizard kings no virtue can be found
Angry and petty we shake the ground
Until our walls upon us tumble down